Making Stuff Up
I guess I have a very disparate mind. I can get ideas, start writing, get to thinking and just go on in that moment, but later when I come back to something it's incredibly hard to get back into that same mindset that put those words on paper/on screen in the first place. I'm not a writer, that's for sure, I enjoy when I can take my time and actually do it but I don't consider myself any type of writer. Mainly because I'm not pursuing it and also because I don't make it into the habit I wish it could be. I want to develop and I believe that at least in my poetry I've found something that I could classify as my style or my voice. Everchanging, bu with a typical stamp. I wish I had the consistency, because that's a huge part of it, the persistence and the know-how to pick up where I left off. To stick with an idea or a thought train and latch on to whatever made it appear in the first place. Maybe, it's just as easy as pushing yourself and practice...