
Visar inlägg från mars, 2012

New Website Finally Up!

Not only have I been launched at "The Red Dining Room" website, but I've also finally launched my OWN for anyone who missed that! CHECK IT OUT! I'm very happy with my design so far, but if you have any comments, please feel free to drop them to me! More "interesting", and personal stuff on the blog shortly. Don't be a stranger! Loves


Mwahahaha! It's up! The website at least, that's for one of my projects that I wrapped around 2 weeks ago. Check it out! "The Red Dining Room" - official site. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Last Night

Last night was a great night. First of all we (read me and T) suited up for a post production party I had been invited to after completing "The Red Dining Room" - a comedy short. I talked with everyone and I really miss working with all those people. Talented cast, great crew and a lot of fun. I especially talked with one of the director's for quite some time - he's a 65-something man who just got into film making. He said to me that by looking and talking to me, he knows my mother. An interesting thought and probably a very true observation, I think we look and act much like our parents, no matter how hard we try (not) to, haha. Now, out to the park for shenanigans and hopefully a picnic with some of my beautiful classmates. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Fighting the Clock

I tried fighting the clock this morning by waking up around 35 minutes before I had set the alarm. It didn't work trying to go back to sleep, and I realized I'd probably be more tired if I tried to sleep more when I was already pretty awake. I hate waking up before the alarm though. Today's a very exciting day - long, but exciting!


I know now what I am most afraid in life. It only took 23 years to realize it. Happiness, success and love. Because all of them demand sacrifices, vulnerability, commitment and diligence. What of those will reward me the most? All of it. Our conception of self-worth is prohibiting us so much and that too, is scary. We think we know what we're worth, but in fact we're worth so much more. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Poetry Collecting

I've just started to collect all of my poems and written projects from way back when I first had the balls to publish anything I wrote. I've got tons of poems in Swedish, French and English, I got a surprising amount of songs and I've written quite a few short stories in my days. I really like looking back on everything I've done and in that way, "time travel". I know it may perceived as cocky to say, but some of the stuff that I've written is actually really, really good. Now begins my next project, not only collecting them all on my computer, but actually writing them down in my little black book. It's going to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun! Not saying that I've given up writing new stuff, don't get me wrong, I think just since moving here, I've written at least 50 poems and 5 scripts, one a full length movie. I'm just saying that I really enjoying looking back in time. It's nice to know where you've started out, wher

New Website

I'm working on a completely new website, I don't know when it will be up, hopefully shortly. Its address will be and will have a direct link to this blog so don't be surprised if one day you'll see a completely new look and no blog on the first page! Don't be a stranger! Loves


Sometimes when you audition you really don't want to, sometimes when you audition you're really nervous both before and after. Sometimes when you audition you really don't care and sometimes when you audition you really want the part. This audition that I did today resulted in neither of the above.

Springbreak Coming to an end!

What a spring break it has been! A week of doing practically nothing. And it's been glorious! I've spent half of it home in my apartment and the other half of it at The Collective. They let me take T's room as he has been home for spring break.

Exotic Talks

"Verksamheten på Must är ytterst sekret" ORLY?! Hahaha! Sekretessbelagd är väl en grej, men sekret för mig är något helt annat, haha! Loads of love!

Articles[e24]-[3328725]-[box]-[aftonbladet]-[]-[] According to a Swedish magazine, it's way more expensive to live in Stockholm than New York. Looks like I made a smart move after all! Don't be a stranger! Loves

I'm Actually Alive

Believe it or not. I'm actually still alive. So much happening this week that I'm more than swamped. I'm currently running on 14-16 hour days with homework, shoots and school taking ALL of my time. Besides not getting healthy yet, I'm really good. Spring break coming up next week, it's gonna be nice NOT to have school for a week. I still got a lot of other work though, but it's all good! I'll give a closer update - especially about the party last Saturday and what's been going on this week on Monday - my first day off! Don't be a stranger! Loves