
Visar inlägg från september, 2011


Normally, my skyping days are Sundays, which is a great thing, because I never have class and neither does my friends. I can sleep in, Skype in the morning and still be able to do stuff when I leave my computer! This was different though.

Saturdaze & Salad Days!

Aaah, yes, Saturdaze.. Not Saturday, but daze, because yes. That's what it was! After the very successful night out, I managed to get extremely hungover for some reason. This is what I did this weekend!


In a little less than one and a half week I'll receive my first (in hopefully a long string to come) of visit since I came here! And it will be by no one less than......

Fridays Shoot

This seems to be a common thing for all my posts, like I'm updating what I am doing for about 3-4 days at a time! Of course, there's so much going on that I probably could update everyday! So just to break the monotony, here's a little update from a thing I did last week.

Today's truth

TO THINE OWN SELF, BE ALWAYS TRUE. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Massive Picture Update 2!

Another MASSIVE picture update! Anything to get up to speed, right? This is from the following two weeks - leading almost, up to today! This is mostly pictures of the apartment where I am currently staying. Just to give you guys a better feel of the place!

Massive Picture Update!

Just thought I'd finally give you guys some pictures! So here comes an update from the first two weeks here and then I'll post more later. As we move further on and get closer to today's date (or whichever date I next update) I'll try to insert pictures that are the most recent!

Comment replies

These will probably be up every week or so, depending on activity! These are answers practically from the start of the blog up until now.. Now just a collective comment for all of you - thanks for reading - you make it worthwhile writing! @Marilou: Yeah I know, right?! He's a GREAT actor and the show's actually pretty good! Thanks for sharing that clip! @Mom: In my class we have a lot of theater experience, but not too much film. One or two has done a couple of shorts and one's participated in a commercial or two but that's it. That actually makes for even more possibilities of growth in my opinion. We're all very talented though so that makes it really cool. About the pictures we took in school, they didn't really turn out to what I expected, but they were good! I'll book some pro-headshots soon..! @Lina: Funny that you found my blog! Hope you're enjoying life down under! @Clayton: Haha, yeah man, embassy must be a blast for you, just cruise on thr

Open Casting & Success

We're coming to the end of the second week and I feel great! So what's new since last time? A whole lot actually! It has been an intense time trying to constantly soak up everything our talented teachers are trying to teach us but don't get me wrong, I still got it all under control.

Great Acting

What's great acting? This is really great, honestly. True display of power. Moving, touching and awesome! Don't be a stranger! Loves

Missed Shoot

Oh.. Just one sad piece of news though. Tomorrow I'll unfortunately miss the shoot of a short because I got class.. Got emailed by the director today who said she wanted me to act in it. But I can't, because we can't take time off to go shoot, that's a privilege that only teachers have. Sucks, but it's also fun, I mean, I actually start getting shoots! Don't be a stranger! Loves

One Week's Gone By

An entire week of courses gone by and it's been really intensive! REALLY intensive. So intensive that one of our classmates has decided to quit and completely leave the program. But what about the rest of us? What have we been up to? How do you occupy yourself in acting courses?

Who's Making Your Choices?

Come to think of it. One thing - and one thing only - is so far bugging me about school. And it's bugging me really hard. It's how artsy-fartsy some people are. How they view acting and what they do to try and impose their point of view on us. More after the break.

A Couple of Classes Later

What does it mean to be an actor? What's driving a person so deeply that he decides to take acting up as a vocation? Why does one put oneself in a position of being a near-to-bare-naked in front of shitloads of people? What is Action? All these questions have been arising during these last couple of days - and we've tried real hard to answer them.

Acting Out

Philip Seymour Hoffman: Tom Hanks: Michael Caine: Kevin Spacey: What do ALL these great actors have in common? My classmates think, if I ever get sick on set, these are the actors that could replace me.. NOT EFFING BAD AT ALL! Don't be a stranger! Loves


After looking around today for pro-photographers, not costing a million bucks, I decided to send an inquiry to for setting up an appointment! We'll see what happens! Don't be a stranger! Loves

First Days of School pt. 2

As second day of school was approaching, I knew I had it all under control. I had seen the movie "Up In the Air" a couple of times before and thought I knew the character, Ryan, pretty well. I mean, I was as prepared as I could've been and I trusted my reading partner to be at least equally prepared. So how was second day of school?

First Days of School

THIS. HAS. BEEN. AMAZING. SO. FAR. Sorry for all the dots, but I just really have to emphasize how I feel. School kicked off, as of yesterday, with not so much of a bang as you might think. Loads of information was both handed out and told to us and by the end of it, your head, at least mine, was spinning.


Well. This is in Swedish, I know. But it˙s important, beautiful and very, very moving. I˙ll be back with more updates on how my first day of school went later. Let me just say - I˙m in my right place. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Update From The Kingdom Of Far Far Away

I've just had an amazing few days and by the looks of things, it's not get worse when we're headed in to the weekend! It's been a while since I last wrote and I'm sorry for that, things have been spinning around in an incredible speed, both on the inside and on the outside of my head.