First Days of School pt. 2

As second day of school was approaching, I knew I had it all under control. I had seen the movie "Up In the Air" a couple of times before and thought I knew the character, Ryan, pretty well. I mean, I was as prepared as I could've been and I trusted my reading partner to be at least equally prepared. So how was second day of school?

With two words, a-mazing.

My audition was at 1pm but I got there as early as 12:15, both because I was getting a little bit nervous and because I believe it's better to be early than risk running late.

I spoke to so many people and they all seemed to have one thing in common besides their passion for acting. They were all running late. Most screen tests were running as late as an hour, so I was definitely there early - to early even (maybe). I spoke to the organizers and the problem they had was finding equal pairs since there are far more girls than guys enrolled in the program. They also had a trouble of communication since most students just sat down, waiting for everything to solve itself. I somehow managed to "jump" the line, find a partner and by 1:20pm, only 20 minutes after my original time - just by approaching them.

Me and my reading partner, Katie, a 19 y/o girl from Austin, Texas, who had done multiple shorts and commercials and even starred in a feature that's due soon, had a blast rehearsing and it went really well. The actual audition then? It went super - at least that's what I believe.

We did the scene once, got feedback and directions, did it again - and then a third time, due to the memory card filling up and cutting our final 10 seconds of the scene. But just the fact, that they actually wanted it all on tape and weren't just satisfied with us having done it again, makes me believe we did a great job. After the auditions we had our headshots taken by a professional photographer who did a great job with making me relax and looking as natural as I could. The only sad thing though is that we can't actually use the pictures taken today outside of school. We even had to sign a paper, surrounding our claiming rights of the pictures to the school. It's sad, because now I'm practically forced to pay 400$ for real ones.. Something that's going to be hard to afford this month..

We then went for lunch, me, Danish actor Andreas and an American girl named Ally. We found a nice little café that served quiche and salad for under 9$! Always nice with a little extra veggies. We had been told to be back by 5pm and pick up our schedules for the coming first quart of our year so we could chill out for a while. We were back by 4ish to mingle around and see how everybody had been doing.

At 5, we picked up our schedules and I got placed in "section B" - which means I have classes Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A bit of a bummer in some ways, a great thing on the other - as I'm pretty sure everyone's off on Sundays.

Well home, I cooked up some vegetarian pasta-sauce, fried mushrooms and pasta. Vegetables are actually among the cheaper things you can buy, food-wise, here - so I can't understand how people DON't buy them. I talked a little bit to Tim and Richard and then enclosed myself in my room - trying to write an essay, begging for money in the form of a scholarship of some sort. Sadly though, my essay writing, isn't what it used to be.. I'll give it another try during one of my days off.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Underbart att följa vad som händer!
    Tog Du båda monologerna? Och den dialog ni fick igår?
    Trist att inte få använda korten, men bra att det var en duktig fotograf. Bra bilder??
    Lycka till med stipendieansökan!

  2. Åh vad kul allt låter! Det känns så långt borta ifrån mitt packande av lammelår. Och ja, bilder ser jag fram emot :) Kraaam


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