Massive Picture Update!

Just thought I'd finally give you guys some pictures! So here comes an update from the first two weeks here and then I'll post more later. As we move further on and get closer to today's date (or whichever date I next update) I'll try to insert pictures that are the most recent!

Down in the Financial District, walking around!

Joel and Stefan in their hotel room before we headed out for a massive night out - lots of fun!

At SkyRoom bar! One of the highest roof top bars in Manhattan with a great view - and EXPENSIVE drinks.

This picture does not really justify the view, but I can assure you. It was massive!

Did some artistic shots of Joel, turned out pretty cool.

I shatter-proofed my window for the hurricane, because you never know what might come flying in through your window. Constantly keeping myself updated through the Weather Channel as you might notice on the TV. Luckily nothing happened!

We went to see a baseball game - Mets vs. (whatever). The game wasn't really interesting, it ended with the Mets loosing in like the 7th inning with only one point. But beer was good, pretzels and corndogs were great and oh, yeah. A guy next to us had a frigging heart-attack!

One of my many walks, out and about, this time took me to the riverside. Awesome views all over the city, I love getting lost here. It's absolutely great! Pictures down below are from various walks, one down in the Financial District so what you're seeing are two pictures of World Trade One. Amazing stuff.

Outside Lincoln Center, where Juilliard school of art, music and performing arts is and the library for performing arts ("our" library) they have this beautiful statue set up in the middle of an artificial pond. They also have a great roof, totally covered in real grass which makes for a great reading spot. I'm here a lot when I'm reading scripts or books.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. gah, man I miss you! har du skaffat nått utländskt nr? dra ett sms eller ett mail med det till mig isf är du snäll :D


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