Who's Making Your Choices?

Come to think of it. One thing - and one thing only - is so far bugging me about school. And it's bugging me really hard. It's how artsy-fartsy some people are. How they view acting and what they do to try and impose their point of view on us.

More after the break.

"Acting is a calling". "Acting is what you wake up everyday thinking about, never feeling anything else will ever get as important". "If you EVER could see yourself do anything else, get out now because then this business is not for you".

This is what I mean with artsy-fartsy, this is what's bugging me. The sort of status, the sort of label and importance certain teachers are attributing the art of acting. Because yes, I believe that acting is an art, it is a great art and seeing someone performing their absolute best is liberating, beautiful and truly an immense sensation.


Let us not get to spiritual or full of ourselves into fooling ourselves that this is a profession for the select few who devote their lives to what they're doing. Let's not start comparing ourselves with priests, who have been tasked with this mission by a force greater than our comprehension, because I believe that is both disrespectful and dangerous.

This profession can honestly be learned by anyone. Yes, this will be as frowned upon as a heathen spitting on the alter - but it's true. ANYONE can acquire the basic skills to become a decent actor and actually earn a living off of it. With the right mindset, the right amount of stamina and perseverance - Bob sitting there in counter 4 in your local supermarket could actually become the next Brad Pitt. He might not know it and it might not be what he desires or wishes but with an extensive amount of training - he will be prepared for whatever comes his way.

Now, I have many interests in life. I love to cook, I write decent poetry, I blog, I photograph and I love to learn about the nature of the human mind and nature. I love socializing, thinking critically, DJ'ing, producing, snowboarding, playing Magic and I definitely love acting. Now. Could I ever picture myself doing something else than acting? Of course, anything else would be stupid with my amount of interests and fair skill in most of them. Not to be cocky or cheeky, but I know how to turn a party into a frenzy, I whip up some wicked recipes and sometimes, my critical mind is as sharp as a knife when I analyze information.

For the time being though, would I WANT to be anywhere else right now? Could I THINK of doing a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g else right now? NO - and yes, that's my final answer. This part of my life - I don't know for how long - I am going to dedicate and devote to acting. How long will my "15 minutes of fame" last? I have no clue, but I want to enjoy them for as long as possible. Does this mean I've seen the face of God smiling down upon me with words like the most beautiful song I've ever heard coming out of his gracious mouth - guiding me on to this path? No I haven't. Does this mean I should give up straight away and reject all thought about ever making it? Of course not. I'm going to punch a whole through the wall of success and they're going to name that new opening after me - because I can bust my ass off more than anyone in this business. I might not be a prodigy like Mozart, nor a genius like Einstein who both, like as of acts of divine intervention, knew everything straight of the starting blocks - but I'm willing to bleed for it all. I'm willing and I got that stamina and confidence to take 918347591 noes before receiving a final yes. It's a tough business, but I'm fucking tougher.

The only reason I've found for people reasoning like this is that these people are afraid. There can't be too many actors, because who would then be the audience?

This, if shown, would probably be as explosive as a cigarette in a firework factory. But I'm willing to take the discussion, so try me.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Wohooo! I guess that would be a threat to someone, yes... But as long as YOU know what YOU do, and WHY - that's it! Just go for it! Put Your strength into it and enjoy Your stamina... :)


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