One Week's Gone By

An entire week of courses gone by and it's been really intensive! REALLY intensive.

So intensive that one of our classmates has decided to quit and completely leave the program. But what about the rest of us? What have we been up to? How do you occupy yourself in acting courses?

Honestly, I couldn't really tell you... Some of the stuff we do is just beyond comprehension, whereas most of it is just as basic as it gets. When I mean basic, I mean really basic - from like playing games to doing yoga under leadership to better get a sense of your body and to be fully capable of using it as an instrument.

Because that's really what we actors do. We use our bodies as instruments. We use our voices and our movement to express ourselves and the characters we're portraying. And it's as important for a guitarist to keep his guitar in tune, as it is for an actor to keep his or her body strong. Sometimes you stand for an entire day - and if you're not prepared for that, or don't know the appropriate techniques for it - it's going to go down hard on your body.

We've had 2 of these voice/movement classes so far and they've been fantastic. They really activate your body and really let's your blood flow through it - all the way to your brain so that you could really stay focused on the matter at hand!

I think I might need to sign up for a gym to be able to get some yoga classes to really sort of strengthen my back because I've been experiencing some back problems in those classes. I think I know where it's from, but the important part is to strengthen it in the best way possible.

Other than that, haven't had much free time. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday were my "days off" - just to do homework. Read 2 entire scripts, 1 book, transcribed and translated plays, rehearsed and done exercises on all of those days. It's been great though, don't get me wrong, I really like to study and some of the things I study and learn are really mind blowing. I had the time and opportunity to go to the movies on Friday together with Richard though. We went to see Contagion which was a sort of decent disaster movie about a disease picking off people everywhere on the planet. It was realistic, but downplayed, and the characters were really hard to read. All in all, a decent popcorn-movie. I also had time to go out and grab two beers on Saturday night. Me and Richard (again) went to a little brewery by Times Sq. where we each had the sampler plate, basically the same amount of beer as two whole pints, but divided in to six small glass all containing different beers. It was great fun and we met some really strange and fun people.

Now it's def. time for bed, I'm up WAY past my bedtime considering what I'm doing tomorrow. School for 14 hours.. Yup. Starting at 9am and my last course begins at 8pm - and it's an audition for about 100 students shooting the same scene, and we can't leave before everyone's done.. It's going to be long, sweaty, hectic and really, really fun and enjoyable. And last but not least, memorable!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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