Saturdaze & Salad Days!
Aaah, yes, Saturdaze.. Not Saturday, but daze, because yes. That's what it was! After the very successful night out, I managed to get extremely hungover for some reason. This is what I did this weekend!
Have you ever had that feeling when you wake up, the one which tells you that you probably overslept because you didn't hear the alarm at all and yet you made sure to set 4 of them? Of course you have, it's probably one of the most common problems during high-school, for anyone who's attended high-school, haha!
I woke up on Saturday, 7:50, completely certain that I had overslept. I was in such a state of panic that when I actually managed to get the time, I was so happy. I dragged myself out of bed, washed up and made my way to school, without breakfast. I hadn't overslept since I start most of my days at 9, but the feeling of stress was awful.
Well at school, I was a little quieter than usual, because I was hungover as shit. Which is very weird if you look at what I drank. Must be the age, pressure of the air, changing of the season or whatever - haha! I actually had to take a "toilet-break" in the middle of class, which was very embarrassing. I started getting better only after more than half the day was done, much to my classmates amusement. Hey, if you can't let yourself be laughed at, don't laugh at somebody else!
The day was okay but the night was even better. I was so tired and exhausted that I stayed up only till 11pm that night, doing homework. Boy, did I feel like a responsible adult!
Sunday, the Salad Day, I went ahead and finished all my homework for this week and went grocery shopping. I was in the mood for veggies so I did an amazing salad! I know, I know, the picture doesn't look like much, but let me tell you what I put in there!
3 different leaf-salads, 1 plum tomato, feta cheese, steamed asparagus, cashew nuts, avocado and my own lime-vinaigrette. I made a lot so that I could save some for Monday to bring to eat in between classes, but I just ate the entire thing - and the bowl was huge! Turns out, I just have to make more, poor me, huh? Haha!
Don't be a stranger! Loves
Have you ever had that feeling when you wake up, the one which tells you that you probably overslept because you didn't hear the alarm at all and yet you made sure to set 4 of them? Of course you have, it's probably one of the most common problems during high-school, for anyone who's attended high-school, haha!
I woke up on Saturday, 7:50, completely certain that I had overslept. I was in such a state of panic that when I actually managed to get the time, I was so happy. I dragged myself out of bed, washed up and made my way to school, without breakfast. I hadn't overslept since I start most of my days at 9, but the feeling of stress was awful.
Well at school, I was a little quieter than usual, because I was hungover as shit. Which is very weird if you look at what I drank. Must be the age, pressure of the air, changing of the season or whatever - haha! I actually had to take a "toilet-break" in the middle of class, which was very embarrassing. I started getting better only after more than half the day was done, much to my classmates amusement. Hey, if you can't let yourself be laughed at, don't laugh at somebody else!
The day was okay but the night was even better. I was so tired and exhausted that I stayed up only till 11pm that night, doing homework. Boy, did I feel like a responsible adult!
3 different leaf-salads, 1 plum tomato, feta cheese, steamed asparagus, cashew nuts, avocado and my own lime-vinaigrette. I made a lot so that I could save some for Monday to bring to eat in between classes, but I just ate the entire thing - and the bowl was huge! Turns out, I just have to make more, poor me, huh? Haha!
Don't be a stranger! Loves
Oh, that feeling can really strangle You...