
Visar inlägg från oktober, 2011

'Till My Sweat Breaks

Just updating a small one. I'm doing alright, a lot of stuff going on in school right now though. We have finals coming up this Saturday, a bunch of monologues and dialogues to know by heart for both this week and the next, scenes and scripts to analyze and movies to shoot outside of school. Pushing long days people, kind of makes me both tired and inspired - because some people tend to drain more energy than they give. Some people don't take the work we're doing in class seriously and congratulate themselves on how they best "cheated" the last exercise in order to not be as honest as everyone else. I've said it before, but it bugs me when people see themselves as better than others. Teachers are one thing, but when students to that - to distance themselves from the rest of us, that's a completely different thing. Well, I'm doing what I'm supposed to and I feel great about it, there's no denying that. I'm loving every minute, even though

Video Blog pt. 2

Don't be a stranger! Loves

Wednesday and Updates!

So, what's been going on? Again.. a lot! That's why I haven't taken the time to sit down and blog for a while. I'm sorry, but you know how it is! A lot of things on the plate that once was nothing but empty. But check it out!


I just thought I'd give y'all a quick update of what's going on on the other side of the Wonder Pond. I'm staying busy, that's what! School's getting heavier when we're nearing the end of the first quarter. Time has come for a lot of grades to be set and I have no clue where I am at. I have no idea how they're judging us. But I guess we'll just find out, won't we? In between, I have shoots, rehearsals and monologues to learn. Plus the fun fact that Isabelle is here, so it's busy! But I am getting so effing tired, haha! Well well, I didn't come here to slack. Don't be a stranger! Loves

Don't Want To End Up Like Them

När saker man vill prata om med människor man vill ska veta och inga ord kommer ut. Du vet vad jag menar va? När man vet att det som skulle sägas har en chans att förändra allt, i princip vända upp och ner på hela världen. Men man kvävs och allt det som kommer ut är en suck och ett ryck på axlarna. Att stålsätta sig. Vad är det man är rädd för? Kan man inte bara se över muren eller i alla fall försöka klättra upp på den så att man kanske kan ta sig över? Ta tjuren vid hornen och få den iskalla vinden i ansiktet? Hur kul är det att sitta i lä bakom en mur resten av sitt liv? Det finns väl ett skäl till att man säger, respektive, inte säger det man gör. Man gör bara något om något annat gör en. Där är skådespelarens mantra. Men det är nog ett bra mantra att faktiskt ta med sig ut i livet också, jag tror det. Jag tror att det handlar om att man lär sig allt vad mänskliga relationer handlar om. Jag tror det är det viktigaste när det kommer till skådespeleri och SEN kan vi börja prata om at

Never Knew

att långsamt dö, smälta i dina ögon, att sakta få sjunka, att drunkna i dina andetag, att få hjärtat slitet, i tusen bitar, att krossas av dina ord, att kvävas av din närvaro, att testas i mitt yttersta ögonblick, när allt jag tror på rasar, att slita ner våra murar, att prövas i väntan på resultat. Fredrik Scheike, 16/10/2011.

Stay Busy

Wow! Not only is Isabelle here keeping me busy with showing her the "spots" and the city, but now, all of a sudden, I'm shooting a scene Thursday, I've got casting for a movie Friday, I have a shoot this Sunday and then rehearsal for a music video in which I'm playing Elton John - which we're shooting next Friday! So much for vacation and relaxing when Isabelle was here right? Haha! "If life hands you apples, f*ck life because you're not satisfied until you've had the watermelon!" (or something..) Don't be a stranger! Loves


Don't be a stranger! Loves

Sundays Shoot

Just a quick update stating that Sunday's shoot went REALLY well, even though it was a long day. We ended up shooting for almost 11 hours straight and needless to say, we were all really happy to go home. The material turned out great - and it's actually going to be screened on Union Square tomorrow in front of of other students, teachers, REAL casting directors and other invitees. I'll have a DVD by tomorrow night which I'm going to ask permission for uploading here so you'll get a little preview of things still to come! BOOM! Don't be a stranger! Loves


Problems. Yes, well, what can you expect? It's not all "gold and green woods" as the Swedish expression goes. But it also adds spice to things, doesn't it? Knowing that one might fail actually makes you try harder not to. So what's the fuss all about? I apologize in advance to sensitive readers that there will be cursing. It's because I'm angry, nothing else.

Comment Replies and Phoneno.

@Mom: Hehe, yup, this is going great! And it's really, REALLY fun! About the bathtub, we'll just find something at the store aptly named "Bed, Bath and Beyond"! @Stina: And Fredrik Scheike likes YOU! @Jesper: MY MAN! Yes indeedely-deedely-do! It's coming right now! MY AMERICAN PHONENUMBER IS, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE MISSED IT: +1347-891-4581 CALL ME UP! <3   Don't be a stranger! Loves