Who Am I?

I'm a professionally trained working actor and poet. Swedish by origin and world citizen by choice. I dabble in all areas of art because I love expressing myself and exploring humanity through the various ways of artistic endeavors.

I'm currently based out of the outskirts of Madrid where I live with my family - my two kids, my wife, my dog and our cat - but have trained dramatic arts in both New York and Los Angeles before that. I've studied music production in London and I've always been a fan of writing.

I consider myself a social, outgoing and adventurous individual, with goals and dreams, passions and hobbies that tie in. I love to discuss often, loudly and intellectually on virtually any subject, and my philosophy studies have helped me put my head on (semi) straight.

I've traveled extensively from a very early age, and those experiences have made me the man I am today. 

Sometimes I find it too easy to adapt to things and situations, but I think that that's what makes me good reader of character and student of all things human. 

If you want to learn more, this blog will allow more of me to bleed through.

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