
Visar inlägg från juni, 2016

Following up on Talent

And then it suddenly it me, in regards to my previous raging post, I'm no better. Just as I "was brought up to believe". Not saying that my Mom diminished my sense of confidence or self value, it's just that other people might look at what I write, and what I do and refer to it as completely lacking talent. My best might be someone's worst. Now that's food for thought. But I still reiterate the core of the my previous post as something that still ticks me off. You still have to have some sort of consciousness and self-awareness about what it is that you do. I'm not racking down on one's ability to create out of one's best, I applaud every attempt in making something artistic. Perhaps what I'm trying to say is that I envy the lack of need for things to be perfect, and I'm referring to the most minimalistic things such as typos or syntax errors, I just can't let those things slide. Now I know my best might be someone's worst,
Jag skriver egentligen för mig själv, och bara för mig själv så att jag ska kunna se tillbaka på,  som i en form av dagbok, var jag har varit, var jag kommer ifrån och hur jag har tagit mig dit jag är idag. Det kan låta tvetydigt då att som i mitt fall publicera detta på en blogg. Men jag tror att det finns ett visst syfte att skriva för sig själv, offentligt. Det sätter ett visst typ av krav på den som skriver, i det här fallet mig, med hur man formulerar sig, vilka saker man väljer att ta upp. Men jag tror framför allt att det är något frigörande att trycka "publicera", saker och ting försvinner på internet samtidigt som det lagras för evigt. Ett stort hål där allt bara finns, tillgängligt när vi helst önskar och utom räckhåll när vi så vill det. Jag har tittat tillbaka och insett att några av de absolut äldsta blogginläggen här är över 10 år gamla. Det är som en gigantisk dagbok som jag alltid bär med mig, jag behöver inte oroa mig om att tappa bort eller lagra sk

Talent & Art

Recently I've been thinking a lot about what talent means, where confidence comes from, what success means and how we constantly define ourselves in the reflection of the people around us. You know, the smaller things in life. I recently had a run-in with a person who for me would classify as a hack, a person who has it's moments but for the most time rarely does anything out of the extraordinary, but who has all the confidence in the world. How is this possible and who do I call to get a dose of the same? A lot of people through the years have seen me as confident, almost to the point of being cocky and arrogant, and people in general have not been shy in voicing their opinions about my way of being or acting, no pun intended. I'm either full of myself, an asshole or any other beautifully phrased derogatory term. Not that I take offense or even take note, if people are bothered maybe, just maybe it's really them who struggle with something big, not me. But