Following up on Talent

And then it suddenly it me, in regards to my previous raging post, I'm no better. Just as I "was brought up to believe". Not saying that my Mom diminished my sense of confidence or self value, it's just that other people might look at what I write, and what I do and refer to it as completely lacking talent.

My best might be someone's worst. Now that's food for thought. But I still reiterate the core of the my previous post as something that still ticks me off. You still have to have some sort of consciousness and self-awareness about what it is that you do. I'm not racking down on one's ability to create out of one's best, I applaud every attempt in making something artistic. Perhaps what I'm trying to say is that I envy the lack of need for things to be perfect, and I'm referring to the most minimalistic things such as typos or syntax errors, I just can't let those things slide.

Now I know my best might be someone's worst, but at least I try to always improve, always push boundaries, always better both myself and my craft so that maybe one day I can let go of the need of exacting perfection, because it would just be there.

So I guess I'm stuck on square one again, what is talent? Where do we get it from? Can it, from an objective stand point, be observed who's got more or less? How do we improve?

A good question breeds a million more.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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