
Visar inlägg från mars, 2007

25/3 - I Seek You

Hey everyone and no one! Since I don't know how many you are I'm signing an excuse for everyone who follows and doesn't follow this blog! Sorry for being a lazy-ass and not posting - not answering - nothing.. I guess it happens! @skie: Salut mec! Oui, oui, j'ai la frite! Toi aussi j'éspere? Sure thing - have just been talking to my hostfamily about it and they're A-okay so I'll call you tonight for a little one on one? Whaddayasay? I'll give you a ring tonight- promise! Puss och kram - kexchoklad(?)..! @Ruub: Okej, vi pratade nyss men vaffan! Jag ska svara iaf! Jag kollar upp Beastieboys och det ska inte vara nâ probs att boka (46,20€ stycket)! Ring mig nästa lördag sâ fâr jag höra vad som bestämts och hur mânga som kommer! @anonyme/Delphine(?): Haha yup, probably.. But hey, it's not everyone who's bad influence right? I have to be proud of somethings..! @Allman: Jajjemums, det är bara att lägga ihop allt... Jag blev väl inte sâ förvânad att jag

18/3 - In the Arms of Your Angel

FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I don't know what to do - I'm so fucking confused. I want to swear in a language so vulgar you never knew it existed, I want to cry until there're no more tears, I want to scream my lungs out, I want to run 'til I hit the ground, I want to hide and never be found, I want to destroy everything and everyone, I want to give up, I want to quit - I want out. I can't STAND this shit no more! I just fucking can't ! WHERE DID IT ALL GO SO WRONG!? Stupid, stupid, STUPID, just.. FUCK!!! It all goes back to me anyway - so why don't I do something about it anyway. The sins are too hard for a full man to beat - but I'm not even a man. Not a full grown nor even half.. This time it's not even funny anymore. I'm going to walk out on myself. Putain, je suis encore une être humaine. (Everything written in this inlay is directed only to me, the 'fuck-you's' and everything, no one else. )

16/3 - Welcome to my Country

Rules *Total the number of things in each list you’ve done. * No need to say which ones. *If people really want to know they will grow the balls to ask. If you go over 45, you’re a bad influence. If you go under 15, chances are you live under a rock and have no life... even more harsh. 1. Smoked 2. Consumed alcohol 3. Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex 4. Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex 5. Kissed someone of the same sex 6. Had sex 7. Had someone in your room other than family 8. Watched porn 9. Bought porn 10. Done drugs TOTAL: 8 1. Taken painkillers 2. Taken someone else’s prescription medicine 3. Lied to your parents. 4. Lied to a friend. 5. Snuck out of the house. 6. Done something illegal. 7. Cut yourself. 8. Hurt someone. 9. Wished someone to die. 10. Seen someone die. TOTAL: 6 1. Missed curfew 2. Stayed out all night. 3. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. 4. Been to a therapist. 5. Been to rehab. 6. Dyed your hair. 7. Received a ticket

15/3 - Finnas Bättre till

GAAAAAAAAAAH! Happiness! I don't know why but all of a sudden I'm just walking around with this really naïve and dumb expression on my face. Why? I can't really answer.. Yesterday I went out searching for a pair of sunglasses in the burning afternoon sun - I didn't find no sunglasses at first but I found Pauline - and suddenly realised I'd recieved 3 messages. Haha, how one turns blind before the light of happiness! I guess it's the weather anyway. I mean come on, three to four degrees in the morning and almost up to 20 degrees during midday! Anyway, I found Pauline and we decided to go get some icecream. She helped me in my search too.. We bought some icecream and a bottle of icetea and went to the park where we sat down just enjoying the sun and laughing at all the people - planning for saturday evening when we're going to drop the PARTYbomb..! Today! Almost the same thing, without Pauline, without icecream or icetea but the weather!! I made shorts out of

10/3 (12/3) - Disorder

There are times when you find yourself doubting, you find yourself questioning yourself - is it all really worth it? What is the greater good for which I continue to fight along? There are times when you find yourself thinking, how fucking dumb can a man get to throw himself in to this kind thing by his own will? How selfdestructive and demolishing mush one be? There are times when you find yourself with all the troubles of the world on your shoulders, when everything is against you and you find yourself struggling against everything with nothing. There are times when you find yourself the happiest of them all and no one can take you down. No matter what they say - life is good, you've got friends and family and the sun is shining. This day, is nothing at all like the one described just above. A little bit, it's for sure, but not completely and entirely. I began the day with rising between 6:50 and 7:00 with thoughts saying - this is going to be a cool day, this is going

6/3 - We Have Ways to be Unknown

@Adrien: Malheuresement tu as raison encore.. C'est affreux parfois! Photexplanations, starting with the bottom-most post - dating back to 26/2: 1-8: One afternoon when none of us had any lessons - due to the unbelievable fact that our Litterature-teacher was on strike - we decided to go to Vichy to give Sandrie a ride home. We first thought just of waiting with her but as we didn't have anything else to do we decided to go by car - 1 hour drive approximately. I met my first Vichian recyclingstation, saw Villa Ica (haha) and watched an ever so dry Allier river floating past Vichy. Unfortunately we couldn't taste the original Vichywater so Marion and Delphine decided to a fencing competion - Umbrella vs. Scarf - outside the Vichy opera house. I also discovered that in my school(pic. 4) there are the forces of Light and Dark - Good and Evil. "Blanc et Darque" (which I persistantely claim that it's pronounced [DARK] and not [DAR-KE(w)]). 9: I think every Swedish

5/3 - In this Silence.

" I don't like this place at all, make's me wonder what I am here for Someone take this pain away dying to see another day. And I don't want to be your friend, or pretend I can fit in too. I'm insenced I'm blown away. Dying to see another day. " " I only feel alive. Can you hear me? Talking in my mind. I can feel you. You're with me all the time. Everytime I close my eyes, I see your face. " " Cherish the day, I won't go astray I won't be afraid won't catch me running, Cherish the day. " Jävla tjafsande det kan vara pâ folk ibland..! The week in the alps with the family!: Everything up later! Loads of love from the living room! Bisous Fredrik

3/3 - The Sweetest Way to Die

@Marion: B BWAHAHA - desolé mais c'était trooop evident pour ne pas le faire :) @Simon: Gwihi, noon je n'ai pas des problemes avec les mecs français - tu es un mec bon toi ;) English: A game of Thrones - George RR. Martin The Da-Vinci Code - Dan Brown The Caves of Périgord - Martin Walker Swedish: Tärningsspelaren - Luke Rhinehart Jag skulle vilja att nâgon väntade pâ mig nâgonstans - Anna Gavalda Alkemisten - Paulo Coelho Liftarens Guide Till Galaxen - Douglas Adams French: Tome 1-3 (spanning 15 volumes) of Battle Royale - Koshun Takami Contes - Charles Perrault Du Vent dans Mes Mollets - Raphaële Moussafir In progress: French: Jacques Le Fataliste - Denis Diderot Du Contrat Social - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Swedish : Long John Silver - Björn Larsson Off to dinner! Loads of love from the Livingroom! Bisous Fredrik

2/3 - I'm in love with your Brother

What kind of country am I living in might you ask? Basic facts: Full name: French Republic/Republique Française Capital: Paris Population: 62,752,136 Official Language: French Currency: Euro - as of 1999 (before: the French Franc) President: Jacques Chirac (since 1995) National Holiday: 14th of July (since 1790 Indepence: 486 a.c. Colonies/Out-of-metropolitan departments: 4 Unofficial facts: H orrifying examples: Which other country in the world do you know have roundabouts with redlights..? Where else can you get so much pills for nothing? Yeaah, I'm getting pills for a regular cold.. How about 20-25 working computers for more than 1000 students to use? If you compare a 7th graders knowledge in English in Sweden with a Term-students knowledge in France - the 7th grader'll surely win within terms of basic knowledge. French fries are considered as a vegetable. French men - I'm sorry but it's true. P ositive examples: As soon as you try to speak French, everybod