25/3 - I Seek You

Hey everyone and no one! Since I don't know how many you are I'm signing an excuse for everyone who follows and doesn't follow this blog! Sorry for being a lazy-ass and not posting - not answering - nothing.. I guess it happens!

Salut mec! Oui, oui, j'ai la frite! Toi aussi j'éspere? Sure thing - have just been talking to my hostfamily about it and they're A-okay so I'll call you tonight for a little one on one? Whaddayasay?

I'll give you a ring tonight- promise!

Puss och kram - kexchoklad(?)..!
Okej, vi pratade nyss men vaffan! Jag ska svara iaf! Jag kollar upp Beastieboys och det ska inte vara nâ probs att boka (46,20€ stycket)! Ring mig nästa lördag sâ fâr jag höra vad som bestämts och hur mânga som kommer!
Haha yup, probably.. But hey, it's not everyone who's bad influence right? I have to be proud of somethings..!
Jajjemums, det är bara att lägga ihop allt... Jag blev väl inte sâ förvânad att jag blev klassad som dâligt inflytande men ändâ! Haha! Vad hamnade du pâ för poäng..? Shiiit! BMW i Münich! Fan vad glassigt! Var det skoj..? Jo tack, det rullar pâ! Jag har nu ca. 3 veckors semester och sen är det bara 6 veckor kvar tills jag âker hem! Galet vad tiden gâr fort... Hur blir sommaren för dig?
Je ne sais pas du tout pourquoi Blogspot ne m'a pas envoyé un email avec ton commentaire mais maintenant je l'ai vu/lu..! It's true, I'm one fucked up and stressed up guy! Sweden Loves Cécile too! C'est toi la meilleure ;)

So what have I been up to lately? Why haven't I been here talking and speaking to you fellow readers? The question is much more simple than the answer, but here goes nothing!

I've been doing nothing special!

Haha okay, I'm lying.. I've been doing all kinds of different stuff! Starting with last Sunday when I cried myself to sleep and wondered if I shouldn't be better off staying home Monday. Monday morning I took my decision though - I pulled myself (almost) together and I packed my bag and went off. I had an 'ordinary' schoolday and I sorted (almost) everything out.

During the evening I laughed my head off - I don't know how many times - with Mickaël due to everything that happened Saturday.

Just a little sidenote - last Saturday I was out partying with Mickaël and Pauline and things went really out of my hands. I drank dangerously much and I did ALOT of stupid things which I'll have to regret, probably as long as I can remember.

Tuesday I was back in school watching all the snow fall down besides our English-test.. It probably went very good - but everyone was really disturbed of the snow since it was pushing 25°c last week. Well well, what we call April-weather in Sweden is the same phenomen as March-weather in France, everyday you learn something new, right?

Wednesday was a reaaaally slow and and in many ways unuseful day in school. Waking up as normal just to know that you don't have any courses in the morning and that you're to begin at 10! When your living at the boardinghouse - it sucks with freetime in the morning. I hope everyone else was happy though. Spent the afternoon with Delphine and we walked around in Clermont discussing everything and nothing, and believe it or not - I bought some Magic-boosters, haha! It's the first time in perhaps 10 months and all I get is crap! But hey, brings back some memories anyway (LinCon, eller hur Högen..?;))!

Thursday was a long dreaded day where I knew I had to meet Mr. Courtinat for some more litterature, a test even. In one way, I love doing test with him because in that way - I don't have to hear him talk and everything passes much faster, on the other, it's nonetheless him. I'm sorry but he's getting on my nerves this man.. Thursday passes without any miseries and everything turns out great, even if I managed to write nothing but SHIT on my testpaper - hahaha!

As friday gets along I'm getting more and more excited because SOON and even sooner still I'll have my mother here! Oh the joy! It's been too long without her, but now we'll spend some time together! Apparently everyone has gotten the second 'trimester' bulletin too - and apparently this big-assed-jerk of litterature-teacher I have has placed my beautiful "1" on my marks! Thanks FUCKER! How'm I to explain this one to my hostfamily..? In between dramaclass and German Delphine shaves me, something I usually don't permit others to do. Well well, she cuts me only once and I have to do the final touches but at least my head is still on top of my neck so..!

Saturday I go drinking a coffee at a café with Marion and we talk about everything as usual. We eat crêpes and we go eating at the Lycée together with Clement, Marie, Alexandra and Josef - what a crazy lunch! I guess we kind of scared the shit out of Marion but hey - that's life. I get home as usual and I drop of all my stuff and say that I'm going home to a friend to study. Sometimes a little white lie can't be avoided. We watch the end of 'Crash' a film I def. have to watch entirely and we laugh a lot me and Shuuny! She follows me to the bus and we rap at the stop. N'importe quoi..! Well home it's time for dinner so I set the table and have the time to read almost 10 pages before the Montels arrive. We talk away the night and as usual I'm the one that cracks first - having had a PACKED week I'm really exhausted and as soon as I'm in bed I fall asleep - no time to count no sheeps!


Got a little special treat for Marion, Delphine and Solène and all you other Jamie lovers!
Jamie @ Yran!
And yeaaaaaaah I was there..!

Loads of love from under the sun!




  1. What??! You said "almost perfect"!(about the shaving)
    And if I remember right you told me the other day you always cut yourself while shaving! So once is not too bad! It's not my fault if your hair grows in a funny way...

  2. aaaaaah fuck elle est trop belle cette photo !
    Une petite chose je pense que dans l'ordre des fans de Jamie tu peux commencer par Solène , Marion et très loin derrière Delphine parceque c'est la moins folle de nous 3 enfin la plus normal pour dire la vérité .


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