18/3 - In the Arms of Your Angel


I don't know what to do - I'm so fucking confused. I want to swear in a language so vulgar you never knew it existed, I want to cry until there're no more tears, I want to scream my lungs out, I want to run 'til I hit the ground, I want to hide and never be found, I want to destroy everything and everyone, I want to give up, I want to quit - I want out.

I can't STAND this shit no more! I just fucking can't! WHERE DID IT ALL GO SO WRONG!?

Stupid, stupid, STUPID, just.. FUCK!!!

It all goes back to me anyway - so why don't I do something about it anyway.

The sins are too hard for a full man to beat - but I'm not even a man. Not a full grown nor even half..
This time it's not even funny anymore.
I'm going to walk out on myself.
Putain, je suis encore une être humaine.

(Everything written in this inlay is directed only to me, the 'fuck-you's' and everything, no one else. )


  1. And then you call me as a stressed and irritated girl !
    I'm so fucking chocked !

    [Don't panic
    It will be OK in a while ..
    Even me sometimes I feel like this ... Do you realize ! ]

    And don't forget : FRANCE LOVES YOU

    (au fait , sholbélauteune = Je suis la meilleure )


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