
Visar inlägg från 2007

New frigging promo

Ni vet sådär äckligt nöjda som bara DJs och oskulder kan vara när det väl beger sig? Så ÄCKLIGT nöjd är jag med min nya promo så jag beslutade mig helt enkelt för att spamma er stackare med mixen i vanlig god ordning! Kom gärna med konstruktiv kritik och hurrarop om så önskas KLICKA PÅ MIG AA - So Far (Original Mix) Da Funk - Pay Attention DJ Romain vs Tommy Bones - Originate Emjae - What Happened to Disco? Fakin Moves ft Scott Wozniak - Lately (Spin Science Instrumental) Groove Garcia - Bubblemaker Lissat & Voltax pres. Betty Bizarre - I Teach You (Pony Dub) Mr Fiction - Nasty Beat (Original Mix) Elektroheadz - Shit Talker Sebastian Leger - Little Bug (Original Mix) Må så väl! Det gör jag!

Del två

Så var det dags igen. En ödmjukhetslektion i allra största allmänhet att lära. För vad annars kan man säga? Är man som jag, van att få bra betyg, van att ha det lätt för en och definitivt van att ordbajsa känns det så otroligt onödigt och förtretligt att gå till ett prov - känna sig totalt oförberedd och sen upptäcka att det första underkända betyget någonsin hänger i luften. Lukten, den unkna besvikelsen bara liksom ligger där som stanken av en alldeles för lagrad Stilton. Eller som bränt kött och svavel efter ett vulkanutbrott. Eller som nederlag - som det vidrigaste av vidriga nederlag. Ett IG, en plump. Ett svart hål i mitt register. Och jag måste acceptera det - det finns säkert nått att lära av detta. Eller rättare sagt, mycket finns att lära frågan är vad jag är villig och kunnig att ta till mig? Dags att svälja den djupt rotade stoltheten och ta sig i kragen. Ett IG..? Värre saker har väl folk dött av? Nej, nu är det dags att som Timbuk, styra upp skiten och göra smartare val.

Del ett

I ett försök att starta en svensk blogg där jag faktiskt kan säga ett och annat vettigt lanserade jag "the deeper end" - till förmån för alla de tankar jag faktiskt inte kan få uttryck för i min vanliga lilla vardagsblogg "fredriks swärje". Livet som en vanlig gymnasiestudent kanske inte ter sig mycket för världen men man måste ändå ibland få utlopp för diverse och verkligen få ventilera av sig. Idag är just en sådan dag då jag åter insett att jag är kanske lite för djup för folk runt omkring mig. Eller att jag ser mig för djup och krånglig för folk runt omkring mig..?

As the Stars

@adrien: Je sais pas s'il est mieux ou pas mais pour l'instant il me plait plus! D'avoir eu 1 jour de Weekend et de maintenant avoir 3 c'est cool! At least I've figured out like every title on my future album - just have to get the music and all the texts together. It could get really interesting - and hopefully something I'll be proud of! If no-one likes it, shit the same - it's still an accomplishment! I hate being sick by the way, well sick this way anyway! I got such a sour throat I don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight! I'm full of self-pity and introspection too because being sick makes you able to think and do things that you otherwise perhaps wouldn't be doing. Normally that is - but there's no normal when you're like this! Getting deeper.. Peace, love and respect.


Jee-frigging-ee-sus! Last night in liberty..! These holidays have gone by extremely quick so right now it's time for a new class, new mentors, new structure - but in the same old building! Gotta say I'm quite excited anyway, I mean, it CAN'T get any worse than my other class so at least that's quite something right there. Know about two or three, know the names of so many more but they all feel like strangers anyway! Guess that comes with the experience of being abroad for almost 10 months! Just a couple of weeks ago I also discovered the fact that I'm going to get FREE weekends..! Which means - NO MORE SCHOOL SATURDAY MORNING! Golly golly, what to do with all this spare time? Lucky I actually wrote a list today on the train home with stuff I need to have in mind for this semester..! I'm looking forward to everything right now!! Getting to know the class, getting all the projects going - including "the" project, searching for an appartment for next yea

The Touch - Maximization Nation @ Nöjesguiden Awards

This blog-thing I had going quite of died as soon as I got home, didn't it? Can't blame no-one but myself really! I've had so much to do, so many people to meet, places to be and things to plan for. Hopefully this'll get it up! Last night I had von Panbäck, Ek, Jesper, Victor and Sofia over for some magic and chilling which ended up with me and Jesper discussing stuff until the clock struck 03:24. Time flies ! After two enormous weeks 27-7 French I'm up for the "challenge" again. Escaping to Stockholm Saturday (maybe even Uppsala..?), Gothenburg Wednesday and even later again Stockholm! ORD! The Touch <3 Frigging amazing - maybe one of the future-talents of Swedish House-suprastars! Lets get re-re-re-retarded! I want that SETUP! NOWZOR!

My Golden Thread

<3 Gotta love Eva - I don't know how many times she's saved my rainy days with her majestic voice. Why'd you have to go so soon? You make me shed tears, you make me smile, you make me shiver and you make me whole. Thanks for still living through your music! Loads of love! Fredrik

At Peace

Ah yesh - this has been quite an extrordinary month. Oh-so-funny and yet-so-depressing at the same time. There's been loads and yet loads of parties with happy people, drunk people, depressed people, lonely people and much-about-ordinary people too. There's been the exams with everything included. There's been Paris with Oskar and Robin, there's been "Up North" with Mom, there's been Böle with Robin, Hanna and Karoline. There's been Magic, film-nights, reading, crying, smiling, missing, going apart, thinking and much about everything. I've never felt as stressed as I have during this past month - extending even until now. How can it be that when I find myself in my own country, my own city, my own family with my own friends I just feel lost even though I definitely know my way around. There are times I feel like this is nothing but hipocrisy - why all these fake smiles from people who really wants to do nothing else than to spit at you or just walk

One night in Paris

Yeaaah, couldn't have imagined how expensive this trip would become... But hey, you only live once right? Paris is awesome, the guys are awesome and everyone's just really laid back! No "real major" mistakes yet, right? Love from Paris Fredrik

12/9 - Let 'Em Run

@anonymous: j'essaye de ne pas être trop nostalgique, mais quand on trouve des photos pareilles, on ressens un peu la nostalgie tu comprends? J'ai fait pas mal de choses dans la vie donc si je tombe sur la nostalgie ce n'est point bizarre(: Jag saknar dig också! Sitting here, taking a pause from all my obligations really - doing everything I possibly can today. Which means - the dishes, the cleaning, the moving, the calling-around, the buying, the listing - gawsh! It's tiring but good fun when it's all done! I just read my email and I got to say - SPAM - headlines are just about the funniest thing ever. Or howabout Mr. Giles U.Felice who urgently has to speak to me about, guess what? OATMEAL OSTRICH! - What the...? Or the kind lady Diaz Peg who's so-so worried about SPOKEN PNEUMONIA that she has to send a letter to me. Russel is definitely burning for COMB THRIVING while Romeo tries some modern poetry with the not-so-clear-headline TRACK MEET SNEEZE .. C

My hopes lie like Glitter

Just looked through some really old photos from way back - gawsh I kind of miss those times. Or do I? Dublin, Russia, my room, winter, snowboarding, Jamtli museum, Robin going on 18, me leaving France. Gawsh, how time flies. @adrien: C'est tout à fait vrait que le titre maintenant est un peu bizarre mais "la Suède de Fred"? En plus, ca ryme... L'horreur. @Karin: Skratta med, helt klart, det var därför jag skrev det också(; Det är bara att höra av sig om du behöver prata, jag lyssnar så gärna så! Love Fredrik

Hell - It's About Time

Wow, can't believe it. I seriously can't! Who'd have thought it? Who'd have thought that after a mere 3 days I'm already beginning to long elsewhere? I don't really know what's wrong either, I'm just showing up here where all these memories start rushing back and forth through my mind. Why I left, who I were, who I've become and how little everything's actually changed.. I mean, hey, I didn't actually expect something drastical like someone moving Domus or something, but come on, 2 new roundabouts - is that it? I mean what the FUCK..?! Is it too much to ask for - a little change..? I can't even feel that you people have changed though it's probably so. Gawsh, I miss my friends in France, I really do, but right now I don't think that going back would actually help anything - anything but confusion maybe. Some of you are so valuable while some of you just fucking exists. I can't imagine me saying this but it's true. And is

My Sweet Shadow

It's all hipocrisy, it's all lies. It's all a bloody show for better or worse. Is it time to let go? @adrien: Merci merci merci pour samedi soir, c'était GE-NI-ALE carrément.. Je me suis rendu compte que cette petite compteur me fait chier aussi.. Putain, je regrette d'être moitié/moitié mais c'est bien comme ça que je suis.. Et, ben, déclare ta flamme - tout de suite(; T'as reçu les photos d'ailleurs? @aron: yeah, sâ gâr det när man är international player. (= So two days left and I'm both excited and bouncy, crying like a baby and soggingly longing for my two lives to unite instead of going apart. I love you all, I love you all so bloody much it hurts me. No matter nationality, no matter origin. I love you - you and you and you too! I'm looking at all photos and it's been a long year after all - filled with joy, regret, troubles, friendship and love. It's hard letting go - but it's time..! Or is it? NO! This is NO

26/5 Go out, Get fucked

So why doesn't it feel awesome to be Fredrik? You've got wonderful friends in more than two countries, a loving family, a nice girl to talk to when you're down, a job, good grades and everything in shape. I just feel so torn. Torn and caught in between everything. In the middle of a fucking who-knows-what. I guess that's it. I don't want to go home - at the same time I do - more than anything in the world..! I'm going to miss everything at both ends, and this whole thing's turned badly infected. (Thanks to Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice : Forgive sounds good/forgive I'm not sure I could. They say, time heals everything/but I'm still waiting. I'm through with doubt/there's nothing left for me to figure out. I've paid a price/and I'll keep paying. I'm not ready to make nice. I'm not ready to back down I'm still mad as hell and I don't have time to go round n round n round. It's too late to make it righ

Now You See

@deg: Självklart! Fast nu lär nog balbilderna på er båda bli svåra att slå! Jag menar titta bara på hur vackra ni är!! @delphine: Je dis strictement que je suis malcompris d'elle hein.. Elle VEUT pas du tout comprendre - donc - elle me fait trop ch.. Mais c'est vraiment naze quoi, surtout elle qui n'est point faite pour être au pouvoir! @karin: Inte sant..? Dom är galna - dom är dumma i huvudet (okej okej, inte alla as usual) dom är fransmän! Ledsen att jag inte svarade pâ ditt SMS - har INGA pengar alls då jag ringde slut på allt till Oskar :) It's time to open up the old treasure cave of poems written in France.. English: your passionate hands under my skin reaching deeeper than before under my skin touching teeth to feet, hair to heart torso to skin Swedish: ännu en meningslös sång en hymn & ballad till livets gång till kärleken och livet till t

15/5 Burning

@aron: Yeah.. Men han kan posen fortfarande - det är det som är skrämmande haha! @karin: Âh, ja, just det gjorde vi ju.. Haha! @Ruub: Det gäller att veta vart man ska leta! Har du andra schoona bilder tar jag gärna dom ocksâ ;) Alright. That's it . I've had it this time. It's time to put the foot down. BOOYAH! Entering the Lycée today - the principal overheard me in a conversation so she actually took hold of my arm and said with a beaming smile. 'Fredrik! I would love to talk to you - right now.' Going over the conversation I just had in my mind I couldn't find anything that she possibly could reproach me for. Oh no, oh no, it's all that jazz again.. "I think it's regrettable, really really regrettable that you're leaving France so soon, without passing the exams - or anything. I've just talked to the vice principal and we both agreed that we could find you another place to stay so that you can pass the exams you're here for ." B

Digital Fingerpaint

RUUB, the Only one! Cider, an awful haircut and those everpresent fingers! Paris oh 7 baby - we're gonna have a goood time! @Karin: Haha ja sjukt läskigt var det att knyta ihop banden sâdär... Men varför skulle jag blâsa dig..? Sâ farlig är jag väl inte? ;) @Prysse: Njaa, kan du tänka dig F.R. glida in pâ dansgolvet pâ Seven till senaste Timbaland..? Hmm... Jo du! :D Det stämmer! Nu är det bara 19 kvar! Jag kommer hem 1:a Juni klockan 19:50 - mycket tidigare än vad som det var tänkt först det är därför som det ser ut som det gör nu! IIIIP! Snart fâr jag peta och krama pâ dig igen! Mys! I can't escape it.. This mixset is def. one of the best I've ever heard...! NP: Way Out West live @ BBC Radio 1 It's SO sick! It's SO great! Groovy baby, groovy! Arvid, who can beat this goodlooking fella'? || DEG! My favorite-dough! My little dreamer :) See you soon darling! Tina, Robert, Jonna - Oh so beautiful you all are! :) || Högen Persson! In his hiiigh time baby! Anton! Ha

Embrace Me

I just wanted to show my respects to all you concerned of the terrible accident who struck Östersund Saturday-evening. Love, respect and support. My thoughts go to all of you who were close. tied tight bound in held right we'd win.

I Never Wanted This

@Ruub: Fucking fantabulous! Paris oh 7 baby, vi kommer att knäcka! BeastieBoys! @Delphine: Ne te stresses pas! Ce n'est point grave, tu auras ton bac de toute façon..! Le truc pour compter je trouvais ça rigolot c'est tout.(= Right-o ladies and gentlemen! I've just been surfing around all your blogs and secret diaries and all that jazz just to come to the conclusion that you are pretty much all alright. I can say I frigging envy you guys being off to cally and all! I hope you've had the time of your lives over there! If the next lineup for Coachella turns interesting - I'm sure I want to get there too..! And Âsa darling, Fredrik Reinfeldt isn't one eeny-teeny-weeny bit of party whatever Google wants you to believe. Otherwise, I'm feeling good. A part from Sarko being elected yesterday and all this weekend has still offered some good times. I've spent most of it 'locked up' in my room listening to some good-ass music, writing letters and reading b


Dailymotion blogged video Movies_best_parkour_scene_ever Video sent by sortie69 Why the hell can't I do that...?

Destroy Rock & Roll

ZZ Top.. Destroy! Van Halen.. Destroy! Pink Floyd.. Destroy! Tina Turner.. Destroy! The Pretenders.. Destroy! Haha! Tom Neville's remix kicks the shit in to this original dancefloor banger! Thank you Mylo! Phew - some few huge rocks just lifted of my chest right about now, I started my long bloody discussion which probably will cut some scars - but hey, at least now I've learnt something invaluable! Go public schools yay! Damn - didn't realize how little time I had left, and I was going to write so much! Well well, I'll get back to y'all later! Love! Fredrik Played: Mylo - Destroy Rock & Roll (Tom Neville Remix) Goldfrapp - Human Twisted Sister Tribute - We're Not Gonna Take It

Leeroy Thornhill - Miami Bassmix

Yeaah! Suddenly everything's "en route"..! I can't imagine I'm soon leaving, I mean come on? 10 Months, how could they've flown by so fast? Tickets are bought - in all directions and I'm going frigging home!! WAAAH! First though, one more month of school, one weekend in Paris, one day in Palavas, preferably a tan and tons of fun. It's aaaall going down! So how did the elections go..? Let me tell you - it was bloody terrifying. More than 30% of the votes went to Sarkozy while Royale only managed 24-25%.. After watching their speaches though - I realized why almost a third of the french voted for Sarkozy whereas a fourth voted for Royale. He speaks extremely well while she speaks like a bloated toad high on whatnot! 3 minutes of enflaming, inspiring speach vs 15 minutes of complete shite.. How the ... did she think things through? It was a horror and a disaster but at least she made it to the second round.. Tonight, well at 13:00 I'm going away too!

Looptroop - Heavy Rains

But it's all sunshine here! Just some ordinary photos from my everyday life! Me and Marion taking the bus. {} The guys were doing... something.. Apparantely it was another day TOO hot for tees. In order to stop A.I.D.S. and H.I.V. amongst drugaddicts - they can now change their syringes at these type of boxes..! Isn't it a stroke of genious? {} Yah - I've bought myself a new pair of glasses, my old one's went Kaputt as we say in Sweden. Rugby photos!: by ~ Scheikz on deviant ART Newport - Judge - ASM The game finished 46-29 to ASM who did a great match. "Newportians" doing some training. {} ASM supporters wave their flags as the ASM scores again.

On Top of Marvel Hill

@Ruub: Sâ sant - man fâr passa pâ och ta tillfället i akt nu när jag befinner mig i vinernas land - fast vinfylla är ingen höjdare, man blir bara filosofisk och djupsinnig haha! Men sant är det att vint är fint!(= NU ÄR DET INTE LÄNGE KVAR din lilla sumprunkare! Det kommer bli äckligt och helt sjukt galet äg..! Men hur gâr det med planeringen..? Hänger Robert med? Hur bergsäker är Oskar och alltihopa..? Beastie Boys fo' life beaatch! @Alda: Hey you! Aah cool! Yeah the Saturday in Lyon we spent together the four of us rocked! Such a shame though that there weren't more of us. But I can't complain anyway! Haha that's frigging evil of them! They didn't want to be social or what was their problem? Hihi - yeah, I imagined that your little escapade of going somewhere, somehow with something wouldn't work out perfectly well - but hey - you got away from Lyon right? Haha thanks :) The last two one's were just some ugly photos we decided to take before leaving. Boys


Sounds nice right..? ;-) I've just been through a WICKED weekend - well in fact, the entire holidays were quite wicked! 10 days with my mother - where I started "sick" and actually got sick so I had to go to a doctor.. Did anyone believe me? Of course not! Haha! That's life.. Went to the mediterranean with the family - visited both family and friends and we went of course to the Haribo candy museum in Uzès! Perfect - now I got candy 'till I die - if it doesn't eat me first.. I then spent one WICKED holiday "here"! Satturday I got up around 06:30 to be able to take the bus which left at 07:42 from here. As a matter of fact - I got up around 07:00 and took the bus at 08:16 I was just too lazy! Didn't matter much though since the train for Lyon was going at 09:00. In Lyon I'd decided to meet with my man from L'Anneny(? Spelling ?) Viktor the Swede! He met me at the trainstation at 11:30. I can't BELIEVE the detour the train does! It'


Yeah! I've just sat through 70 minutes of pumping House and Techno thanks to DJ Laszlo's April Promo - it's funky ladies and gentlemen! I just wanted to take the opportunity and promote these tests for all my musical friends out there! It's hard! I'll tell you that, so don't be too ashamed if your scores are low..! Take the tests here! Otherwise I just realized one thing - I'm going to 'quit drinking' - I mean - I don't want any liverproblems or shit like that later and what good does it serve to fuck up your head once in a while - I can have so much fun without booze anyway! Don't get me wrong here, I'm neither addicted nor a constant drinker - and I love the tastes of wines, beers and ciders, but I don't feel the need to get myself drunk. End of discussion. With only two months left to the exams in France and in Sweden I wish everyone on both sides good luck - I'm too lazy to even try it this year I'll have it coming for me

12/4 - Arcadia

Just look at the guys! I don't know what it makes you think about, but I'm getting some serious vibes of a certain someone - haha!

11/4 - Tomorrow I'll Be Gone

@Anonymous/Delphine: Haha it's irony! It was almost perfect - and yeah, I cut myself much more than you managed to cut me! No worries! @Marion: Je vais me rappeller de ça! :) A ce soir! Fredrik's going Happy! Mother's coming in! // Mother eating a yoghurt with her glasses! Mother walking around! // This museum is.... interesting... Rolling trashcans - FOR THE WIN! We went on an animated tour of the Chateâu de Je-ne-sais-plus-quoi with my hostparents. We were guided around by the quartermaster of the Castle and met up with different characters throughout the tour! It was actually not at all just for children! I liked it alot, so did mother, and it reminded me loads of my work the past summers at Jamtli. They showed how to fight in tournaments, use typical arms and how to fire a catapult. The "medieval" sire who controlled this little piece of castle! Beautiful surrounding nature and a well organized garden. This was the real bridge we had to cross