The Touch - Maximization Nation @ Nöjesguiden Awards

This blog-thing I had going quite of died as soon as I got home, didn't it? Can't blame no-one but myself really! I've had so much to do, so many people to meet, places to be and things to plan for. Hopefully this'll get it up! Last night I had von Panbäck, Ek, Jesper, Victor and Sofia over for some magic and chilling which ended up with me and Jesper discussing stuff until the clock struck 03:24. Time flies! After two enormous weeks 27-7 French I'm up for the "challenge" again. Escaping to Stockholm Saturday (maybe even Uppsala..?), Gothenburg Wednesday and even later again Stockholm!

ORD! The Touch<3

Frigging amazing - maybe one of the future-talents of Swedish House-suprastars! Lets get re-re-re-retarded! I want that SETUP! NOWZOR!


  1. "27/7"?
    I believe you when you say it was two enormous weeks... ;)
    See you reeaalllly soon!

  2. Bien le bonjour galibot suèdophone !
    J'espère que tu vas tout ça, j'aimerais bien pouvoir te dire see you soon. (il va y avoir un vide l'année prochaine à l'internat)


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