On Top of Marvel Hill

Sâ sant - man fâr passa pâ och ta tillfället i akt nu när jag befinner mig i vinernas land - fast vinfylla är ingen höjdare, man blir bara filosofisk och djupsinnig haha! Men sant är det att vint är fint!(= NU ÄR DET INTE LÄNGE KVAR din lilla sumprunkare! Det kommer bli äckligt och helt sjukt galet äg..! Men hur gâr det med planeringen..? Hänger Robert med? Hur bergsäker är Oskar och alltihopa..? Beastie Boys fo' life beaatch!

Hey you! Aah cool! Yeah the Saturday in Lyon we spent together the four of us rocked! Such a shame though that there weren't more of us. But I can't complain anyway! Haha that's frigging evil of them! They didn't want to be social or what was their problem? Hihi - yeah, I imagined that your little escapade of going somewhere, somehow with something wouldn't work out perfectly well - but hey - you got away from Lyon right? Haha thanks :) The last two one's were just some ugly photos we decided to take before leaving. Boys will always be boys!

So I took the test I announced in a previous post and decided to post my scores:

Adaptive Pitch test:
At 500 Hz, you can reliably differentiate two tones 1,2 Hz apart.
Score: Less than 1,5 Hz VERY GOOD

Rhythm test:
72% correct

Tonedeaf test:
72,2% correct

Besides that, Lòlindir Séregon, is my elvish name, Cap'n Hubert Fancypants, my Pirate one, Diamondtrim F. Sneed should be my Pimp-alias whereas 3 Dollar Bill should be my Prisonbitch nickname. By the way, I'm Venom and Flash and whereas a Vampire would be my most likely killer, I'd easily defeat Freddy Kreuger.

Yeah yeah - I had a little freetime - it's true. I'll give my lifestyle:

L.O.V.E. to all of you - see ya'll in Paris!



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