
Yeah! I've just sat through 70 minutes of pumping House and Techno thanks to DJ Laszlo's April Promo - it's funky ladies and gentlemen!

I just wanted to take the opportunity and promote these tests for all my musical friends out there!
It's hard! I'll tell you that, so don't be too ashamed if your scores are low..!

Take the tests here!

Otherwise I just realized one thing - I'm going to 'quit drinking' - I mean - I don't want any liverproblems or shit like that later and what good does it serve to fuck up your head once in a while - I can have so much fun without booze anyway! Don't get me wrong here, I'm neither addicted nor a constant drinker - and I love the tastes of wines, beers and ciders, but I don't feel the need to get myself drunk. End of discussion.

With only two months left to the exams in France and in Sweden I wish everyone on both sides good luck - I'm too lazy to even try it this year I'll have it coming for me the next!

Speaking of which! This summer is going to be wicked! I'm coming home, I'm going to see Beastie Boys, Yran, tours, loads of friends and I'm seriously thinking of getting myself some REAL gear - I want to see how good it could get! I hope I have the time to meet as many of you as possible before you all disappear in different directions!

Roll call! How many of you are going..? It's probably going to be all three days for me!

Love to everyone and everybody!




  1. håller med fullständigt. Inget går upp emot ett riktigt gott glas vin, men ett glas är nog!:)
    Däremot borde du passa på att smaka alla vinsorter som finns där nere och inte här, så det blir väl en rejäl fylla varje dag isåfall!;)


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