
Sounds nice right..? ;-)

I've just been through a WICKED weekend - well in fact, the entire holidays were quite wicked! 10 days with my mother - where I started "sick" and actually got sick so I had to go to a doctor.. Did anyone believe me? Of course not! Haha! That's life.. Went to the mediterranean with the family - visited both family and friends and we went of course to the Haribo candy museum in Uzès! Perfect - now I got candy 'till I die - if it doesn't eat me first..

I then spent one WICKED holiday "here"!

Satturday I got up around 06:30 to be able to take the bus which left at 07:42 from here. As a matter of fact - I got up around 07:00 and took the bus at 08:16 I was just too lazy! Didn't matter much though since the train for Lyon was going at 09:00. In Lyon I'd decided to meet with my man from L'Anneny(? Spelling ?) Viktor the Swede! He met me at the trainstation at 11:30. I can't BELIEVE the detour the train does! It's frigging horrible! So instead of 1,5 hours it takes TWO AND A HALF..! Gawsh. Tried to sleep much of the time but it didn't work very well with all that beautiful scenery.

We decided to get some bikes instead of going around by metro or bus. 2€ - one day - no destinations! We biked around, we sat down and ate, spoke to a Mother and her daughter for almost the entire meal, and as we were going over the bridge to the older parts of town - Viktor realized he had 3 missed calls and one message as he answered his phone. It was the german guy Kevin who, according to Viktor, didn't want to tag along.. Apparently, he'd been waiting for an hour and a half... We rushed back on our bikes, met the guy at H&M where he bought numerous clothes and where Viktor bouth a pair of shorts and I bought myself a belt. Sweetness - the last thing I'm going to spend "big" cash on. Stuff or mostly Money has been slipping too much through my hands lately.. We met Kevin, hooked him up with something to eat and went again on our bikes to the old neighbourhoods when Viktor got another phonecall - he's beloved Icelander - Alta! He went back to pick her up while me and Kevin kicked back to some Reggae by the cathedral! BABYLON!! We also got a number of free hugs by people walking around with signs everywhere.

We met Alta, kept on walking, stopped for some more Reggae and later dropped of Kevin and Alta by the Metro where they would (and I quote): "Take a metro somewhere, then take another metro somewhere and then take the train somewhere."


Me and Viktor got ourselves some Pizza outside the trainstation before I got on my train back to good old Clermont. I knew I was arriving too late to catch a bus and I definitely didn't have enough dough to spend on a cab so I tried my luck by Hitching! This really nice roots-guy pulls up and says he can drive me 'wherever'. He drops me off just at the crossing beneath the house and he doesn't even want some form of payment! Officially I met some people at the train and they were going in the same direction.. *Hrrm*

With the ongoing elections I had to take a picture. The two destroyed posters are Le Pen's (it wasn't me - this time) and Segolène Royal's.

Kevin in the background and Viktor in the foreground - WE'RE BIKING!

Reggae in Lyon!

Couldn't pass this one by - my mind suddenly rushed to at least three people. Can you imagine which one's..?

With Reggae comes love - and free hugs!

Kevin, Viktor and Alta walking around in Lyon.

After an entire day of walking and biking I got quite tired.. So did Viktor!

Love to everyone!



  1. hey fredrik, got your blog address through viktor.

    nice to meet you this weekend, shame that there weren't more exchange students there. apparently, a canadian girl, a mexican girl and a chilian girl from the Annonay group were in Lyon at the same time, they just didn't let us know...

    oh, and "Take a metro somewhere, then take another metro somewhere and then take the train somewhere." didn't worked as we supposed to.. we ended up completely lost in the "villeurbaine" of Lyon, my hostsister needed to pick us up in the end.

    nice blog, nice pictures. especially the last two ones =)

  2. Det är inte sant, biljetterna ser så jääävla feta ut! Jag kan inte bärga mig tills vi drar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SHit asså, det här komemr bli det bästa i mitt LIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:


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