Hell - It's About Time

Wow, can't believe it.

I seriously can't! Who'd have thought it? Who'd have thought that after a mere 3 days I'm already beginning to long elsewhere? I don't really know what's wrong either, I'm just showing up here where all these memories start rushing back and forth through my mind. Why I left, who I were, who I've become and how little everything's actually changed.. I mean, hey, I didn't actually expect something drastical like someone moving Domus or something, but come on, 2 new roundabouts - is that it? I mean what the FUCK..?! Is it too much to ask for - a little change..? I can't even feel that you people have changed though it's probably so.

Gawsh, I miss my friends in France, I really do, but right now I don't think that going back would actually help anything - anything but confusion maybe.

Some of you are so valuable while some of you just fucking exists. I can't imagine me saying this but it's true.

And is it really worth talking? Would it do any good? Why is it up to me to excuse myself, to do the right thing, to be so bloody regretful and heartdyingly fucking up-and-over-in-tears? I just don't want it right now. Sorry for not being sorry.

visst är katten helt galet bra? =) Tack för att du finns!
jag tror jag fått din lilla lagoma depp-sväng helt plötsligt - men jag ser framemot att träffa dig igen, verkligen. just nu vill jag bara prata och få skratta med dig.
I know it's frustrating homie! Att inte få ha tillgång till internet när man vill, var man vill, hur man vill - gah! Fast nu sitter jag ju på den egna datorn och bara njuter! tack för att du ringde idag, grymt skönt att höra din gotländska stämma!
There's not much this year has not offered. It's been frigging amazing and I owe it to you all. Thank you for everything. I've come out alive, kicking and changed. (I'll try at least weekly(:)
Thanks alot, right now when I'm here, I wish I was somewhere else, bizarre huh? Yeah, six weeks, but you got siw weeks with Victor - take good care of him for me! Nice meeting you to!Bisous=)



  1. Vill träffa dig med.. jäkligt uppiggande att prata med dig om jag ska vara ärlig. Jag är sjukt trött pa familjen

  2. fredriks frankrike c'est un peu (malheureusement) périmé comme nom de blog. Bouhou

  3. förresten, du menade väl skratta med mig och inte at mig??


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