15/5 Burning

Yeah.. Men han kan posen fortfarande - det är det som är skrämmande haha!

Âh, ja, just det gjorde vi ju.. Haha!

Det gäller att veta vart man ska leta! Har du andra schoona bilder tar jag gärna dom ocksâ ;)

That's it.
I've had it this time. It's time to put the foot down. BOOYAH!

Entering the Lycée today - the principal overheard me in a conversation so she actually took hold of my arm and said with a beaming smile. 'Fredrik! I would love to talk to you - right now.' Going over the conversation I just had in my mind I couldn't find anything that she possibly could reproach me for. Oh no, oh no, it's all that jazz again..

"I think it's regrettable, really really regrettable that you're leaving France so soon, without passing the exams - or anything. I've just talked to the vice principal and we both agreed that we could find you another place to stay so that you can pass the exams you're here for."

But, ma'm, I've already bought all the tickets, I've spoken to every single fucking one of you, counting you out because the Vie-Scolaire (those who deal with the students and everything concering them) said I should.

"That won't do you ANY good to talk to them! You should come DIRECTLY to me of course, that way we'll find you a nice family so you could pass all the tests!"

But, ma'm, everyone have been saying that I should talk to the Vie-scolaire okay? And besides, I've never claimed that I'm here to pass the tests, you follow?

"Yes yes I know, but if you'd been talking to me, we could house you elsewhere and like that you couldpass the tests anyhow!"

(BUT WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN!?!?! YOU GOT A FUCKING DWARF IN YOUR EAR..!??!) Ma'm, thank you, but seriously speaking - I'm here to learn French and not to pass the exams.

"It's a shame it's like this, you could've had all the nice papers and diplomas to justify your year here, and to pass them on to your further education!"

(NEXT TIME YOU MENTION THEM - I'M GONNA SHOVE THEM SOMEWHERE WHERE THE SUN AIN'T SHINING - COPY...?!?!) Thank you, it's so nice of you to propose these things. This shows you're really concerning.

"It's normal, ha ha ha - allez Bon journée"

Isn't it ENOUGH already..? What the F*CK do you want from me - seriously..?

Hopefully you're all much better - this spoiled my day.

Love you all.



  1. C'est marrant, le problème du bac a totalement éclipsé celui de l'allemand... Ca faisait longtemps que t'étais pas plaint de l'administration française, je suis sûre que ça te manquera en Suède! =p

  2. Ibland kan man inte göra annat an beundra hur jäkla tjurskalliga fransmän är..

  3. haha, man blir sa arg! har en kvinna som hoppar pa mig varje gang hon ser mig i korridoren for att kolla sa att jag inte angrat mig. men ey, det ar ju alltid kul nar folk ger en daligt samvete utan anledning!


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