I Never Wanted This

Fucking fantabulous! Paris oh 7 baby, vi kommer att knäcka! BeastieBoys!

Ne te stresses pas! Ce n'est point grave, tu auras ton bac de toute façon..! Le truc pour compter je trouvais ça rigolot c'est tout.(=

Right-o ladies and gentlemen! I've just been surfing around all your blogs and secret diaries and all that jazz just to come to the conclusion that you are pretty much all alright. I can say I frigging envy you guys being off to cally and all! I hope you've had the time of your lives over there! If the next lineup for Coachella turns interesting - I'm sure I want to get there too..! And Âsa darling, Fredrik Reinfeldt isn't one eeny-teeny-weeny bit of party whatever Google wants you to believe.

Otherwise, I'm feeling good. A part from Sarko being elected yesterday and all this weekend has still offered some good times. I've spent most of it 'locked up' in my room listening to some good-ass music, writing letters and reading books. But most of all I've been SMS-chatting with a girl in Paris I met last weekend! The creepy thing - she's the daughter of Estrad Norr's boss..! She knows people I know by name and hearsay! Eerie! It's a too small of a world!

Love and respect!


(Armin van Buuren ft. Justine Suissa - Never Wanted This (Original Mix)
Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Dub))


  1. haha, inte ens en liiiten mikroskopisk bit? jag är helt övertygad om att F.R. kan getta jiggy with it, om det krävs ;)

    damn, 22 dagar! är det verkligen sant?! nä, det stämmer väl inte, eller? överhuvudtaget är jag lycklig, för snart är du här igen =) // din alldeles egna favorit-deeeeg

  2. Jo du läskigt sammanträffande. Jag trodde du försökte rablasa mig...


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