15/3 - Finnas Bättre till


Happiness! I don't know why but all of a sudden I'm just walking around with this really naïve and dumb expression on my face. Why? I can't really answer..

Yesterday I went out searching for a pair of sunglasses in the burning afternoon sun - I didn't find no sunglasses at first but I found Pauline - and suddenly realised I'd recieved 3 messages. Haha, how one turns blind before the light of happiness!

I guess it's the weather anyway. I mean come on, three to four degrees in the morning and almost up to 20 degrees during midday!

Anyway, I found Pauline and we decided to go get some icecream. She helped me in my search too.. We bought some icecream and a bottle of icetea and went to the park where we sat down just enjoying the sun and laughing at all the people - planning for saturday evening when we're going to drop the PARTYbomb..!

Today! Almost the same thing, without Pauline, without icecream or icetea but the weather!! I made shorts out of my jeans and walked around in a t-shirt!

Loads of love from the sun!




  1. Det är alltså sommarväder där nere nu eller?:)
    Jag tänkte om du köper beastieboys-biljetter så skickar jag över pengar eftersom du har adress i Frankrike, jag litar inte riktigt på fransmännen;) Oskar är fett sugen och Robert funderar på om han ska hänga med också, vi får se hur det blir:)

    Hör av dig!
    BIG L


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