Wednesday and Updates!

So, what's been going on? Again.. a lot! That's why I haven't taken the time to sit down and blog for a while. I'm sorry, but you know how it is! A lot of things on the plate that once was nothing but empty.

But check it out!

The past couple of days have been pretty hectic. We're coming up to the end of our first quarter which means a lot of things. New schedule and new teachers coming up. New classes, new assignments and even more of the excitement. It also means closure of the past quarter, which includes teacher evaluation, final exams, class evaluation and final presentations. On top of that, most of us are shooting on our days off and I still have Isabelle here! Don't get me wrong, she's very individual and self-going and I don't feel like I have to babysit her - but since she's only here for a limited amount of days, I feel like I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

I want to show the sights, the views and everything that's so great about this city that I've completely fallen in love with. I want her to taste, smell, hear, feel and sense everything there's to see. That's why, two nights ago, we went to the "Top of the Rock" (top of the Rockefeller center) which boasts a great view not only over Upper Manhattan, including Central Park, but also the Empire State and parts of Eastern/Western/Lower Manhattan. I've been to the top of Empire before, but I must say that the Rock proved more exciting! It seemed more well planned and you could actually travel between different levels as it was included in the ticket, in comparison to Empire where you pay a different amount - for each level.

Yesterday we went to a Broadway play called "Sons of the Prophets" which was a comedy about human suffering. We got offered tickets via school and I begged for a +1 so that both of us could go! The play was funny - but "the funniest moment" was in the end when an elderly man stood up, booed loudly and stormed out - IN THE MIDST OF STANDING OVATIONS! We laughed so hard1

It also confirmed what I always knew. I want to start out in theater and then move on to film and movies. I want to bust my ass off, eight nights a week and then hoist the Academy award sometime later in life.

Now, we're off to eat a greasy American pancake-breakfast and then find something to do for the day. I got an audition at 4pm for another student project that I really want to partake in. The script I read was so funny, well thought out and really, really appealing. I feel that's my part. Lock it down, brrap!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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