
Problems. Yes, well, what can you expect? It's not all "gold and green woods" as the Swedish expression goes. But it also adds spice to things, doesn't it? Knowing that one might fail actually makes you try harder not to. So what's the fuss all about?

I apologize in advance to sensitive readers that there will be cursing. It's because I'm angry, nothing else.

Do I have problem with authority? Do I have attention-deficits when it comes to listening to people who belittle you? Maybe.

Maybe I do have a problem with authority, at least, that's what one of my classmates think. But I don't agree. Why? It's not in a defensive manner I don't agree, it's just that I know what I have a problem with and I've realized that many times. And for me, it's what distinguishes a great teacher from a poor one.

First of all, I got to hand it to teachers. You guys have one of the hardest professions out there and all my utmost and sincere respect go out to you who are working so hard to educate our society in the least stimulating environment of all. I salute you, I give you my respect, I take of my hat and I bow in your honor - and I know it's not easy. At the same time, I'm just saying, some of you, should definitely consider taking up other professions - some of you are not apt for it and I really have no idea what you're doing.

With that said. When people step on me, when people try to belittle me, when people put themselves ONE level above me, I'm ready with fucking claws, nails and railguns. Nothing gets me more mad than people who look down on others. Okay, one thing does, when an authority considers itself better than the people it's supposed to be helping it drives me straight off the cliff. You're an authority, you're higher up the learning-ladder - for a reason. Because we, the people behind you, put you there. We're all supportive and the way you have excelled wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for other people. Of course, you're putting in a lot of hard work and that is more than respectable, but you've become an authority in order to, within a safe and respectful environment teach others what you have learned during the way.

Just because I don't understand what you're saying, what the meaning of the words is, that are coming out of your mouth doesn't mean I'm not your equal. If you can't see that you are on the same level as everyone else even though you've excelled in one area, you're far out in my waters.

What I believe is that teachers need to be respectful and that they need to be aware of the mutual benefit of the student/teacher relationship. Without students, no teachers and vice verse.

So no, authorities are good - but if they're going to treat me as a retarded 3 year old, three-legged pony, they're in for a big fucking surprise.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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