Update From The Kingdom Of Far Far Away

I've just had an amazing few days and by the looks of things, it's not get worse when we're headed in to the weekend!

It's been a while since I last wrote and I'm sorry for that, things have been spinning around in an incredible speed, both on the inside and on the outside of my head.

First thing's first - I've moved into the apartment I told you about earlier and it feels great! As I came stumbling in with all my belongings yesterday I met with our third roomie, Richard, a 29 y/o guy from Oregon who's just recently moved to NY for studies. He's in anthropology and he's planning on forming his thesis for his masters here. A cool, very social guy who's been travelling quite a lot. We went shopping for necessities together since he knew where the cheapest place was. We were both loaded with cash when we stepped in and absolutely loaded with items when we stepped out.. I now have everything I need, besides a chair which I'm picking up this weekend - and the total of all the shopping? It ended up being as much as 275$.. But trust me, I got A LOT for it.

I had to check out from the hostel at 11 so I did it at 9 because I had decided to spend the morning on different museums. I went to the Discovery Exhibitions and got the comboticket for both the Harry Potter and the Pompeii exhibitions. For the Harry-one it was the last stop on their North American tour and it was closing on Sep. 9. It was a lot of fun to see so much original artifacts and props from the movies and the amount of detail that has gone into everything is amazing. But in all honesty, it was too short. That's where the Pompeii exhibition was much better. A lot more info, a longer tour and you could tell that a great deal of planning had gone into it whereas HP was just putting objects side by side. I did enjoy both of them though and it was amazing "reliving" the movies through the props! Emma Watsons promdress - IT'S HAWT! Haha!

The night before I went to the movies to see The Rise of The Planet of The Apes. GREAT MOVIE!! It was perfect and I loved it! You could definitely watch it as a popcorn-movie but you can also look deeper and analyze the subjects it touches upon like racism, nature/nurture, identity, equality and intelligence. All that will come later, right now I'm just going to say - GREAT MOVIE! (And that Family Guy was right.. Black middleaged women in movietheaters can't look at a movie without commenting it out loud, haha! "OH NO HE DIDN'T!" "DON'T GO IN THERE!" "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING, THE GUY IS ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU!!")

The night before that, I ended up going to the Mets game with Joel, Stefan and his dad. It was actually a terrifying experience.. Before the game even started, a guy, three rows behind us had a heartattack.. It was scary as hell, but the emergency response team acted superfast.. The game sucked at the end of the day and the Mets lost big time, but I learned a lot about baseball - and if I didn't know it before, how frail life can be.

Let's love eachother and do it fast, before it's too late.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Kul att ni fick tag på biljett, men det var ju en läskig inledning på spelet! Överlevde han..?

    Haha, inte trodde jag att folk kommenterade så på filmer! Barn, ja, men vuxna.. kul/irriterande?

    Så roligt allt verkar! Ser fram emot rapport efter första dagen på skolan :)


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