Massive Picture Update 2!

Another MASSIVE picture update! Anything to get up to speed, right? This is from the following two weeks - leading almost, up to today! This is mostly pictures of the apartment where I am currently staying. Just to give you guys a better feel of the place!

So this is the entrance to where I live! 67 East 97th Street!
Our very exciting hallway leading up to my room - far in the distance!
Our bathroom! Directly to the left when you enter. We do have a bathtub, but unfortunately, it doesn't fill up unless you hold your hand over the drain, so my bath the other day didn't turn out as relaxing as I had hoped it would..

Our kitchen, which is actually really well-equipped. It's the doorway to the left right after the bathroom.

My room on laundry day.. Wasn't pretty, I know. But this blog is about truth, not about airbrushing it. Haha!
Life isn't always about work, especially not when you're in New York. This is was too good to miss. The final days of the final stop of the world wide tour - and it was exclusively in New York..! You gotta hand it to them, the level of detail that has gone in to producing every single prop - it's impressive to say the least! They're nifty those film makers, they sure are!
It sometimes rains and when it does, it's usually quite heavy rainfall and it can come very fast.

Well, last time it screwed my Swedish phone over - AND my hair.. But at least, this time, I was prepared with a rain coat in comparison to the first time of "flash rain" where I literally surrendered and got soaked - I guess second time's the charm.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Badkaret - hur ser hålet ut? Fota det och mät.. kan ju finnas proppar här som funkar! Trist att inte kunna utnyttja möjligheten till bad, är ju så skönt efter en skidtur.... ;)


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