
Normally, my skyping days are Sundays, which is a great thing, because I never have class and neither does my friends. I can sleep in, Skype in the morning and still be able to do stuff when I leave my computer! This was different though.

I got home, Monday evening after class, exhausted and hungry so I cooked up some quinoa and heated up some meatsauce that I had for leftovers. Finished that real quickly and got on my computer. Since I've become a real Facebook-nerd since I landed in the States (eeerr, okay, well maybe I was one even before I left, but whatevs) I immediately opened up my browser and went there, among other sites I check regularly.

Once there I got a chat-message from a friend who wanted to do a quick Skype-session before heading off to bed. I'm not the guy that says no when it comes to talking to my friends so of course I jumped on there straight away.

The "quick" session lasted, well, 7 hours...? As it turned out, we had plenty to talk about and catch up to and it was extremely exciting and interesting to talk. Not just because we had so much to say and talk about but, because I have acquired a new skill since starting my education. Active listening. It may sound easier than it is, but it's all about registering voice, movement, actions and words to puzzle together a human. It's about letting go of yourself and fully focus on the person you're talking to. We've practiced this exercise in class using repetition as our key to unlock this skill, but now I actually saw it working in a real conversation - even through a screen! It was so fascinating and even though I felt connected to this person before, it was as if it had been renewed and I saw that person from a completely different point of view. 

I love it when that happens, it just shows what complex creatures we really are. 

Don't be a stranger! Loves

Ps. For those of you who are interested and for some reason don't have me on there already, my Skype-name is "scheiken"! Hook me up and maybe we'll end up shit-chatting and connecting for hours straight! Ds.


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