Open Casting & Success

We're coming to the end of the second week and I feel great!

So what's new since last time? A whole lot actually! It has been an intense time trying to constantly soak up everything our talented teachers are trying to teach us but don't get me wrong, I still got it all under control.

One of the new things that have happened was our open casting that we did on Monday night. It was a hectic Monday with almost 14 hours in school with the last three spent looking at and acting the same scene over and over again!

Three classes of actors had been invited to act out a scene from the movie "Up in the Air" for film making-, director- and producer students so the room was pretty crowded. All in all, I'd say we were around 45-60 people in there including teachers and cameramen. Class A started, my class, class B, followed and after us came 8 weeks, class C. We had to sit through everything and it was actually really interesting. Class A were all about props and not much interpretation, our class was all interpretation and no props and 8 weeks, class C were a mix of people and talent. It sort of became boring watching everybody, but us, do the same generic scene over and over again.

The scene's not long but when you've heard it acted out the same manner for the umpteenth time, you get sort of bored - that's why I like our class. Everyone's really talented and everyone did their own spin on the scene. One played the guy like a car-salesman, one did like the cool dude, one girl played it like vamp, one like a true seductress and a third like a real rich "bitch". Me? I played the guy like a REAL sleazebag, a real douche if you'd like.

And listen to this. I was actually the only one that got a spontaneous applause after finishing my scene. It felt.... GREAT! People approached me afterwards congratulating me on my performance and complementing me on my interpretation. Sure, I took it to my ego, who wouldn't? Now... Let's just hope I actually get some callbacks as well, that would be my real affirmation that I did great.

Now we're starting to rehearse another scene that we're going to record and edit that will eventually end up on our show-reel. Because we need one to tell and show others how great we are! This is going to be fun. The scene I got is from the script to the movie "Sideways", a movie I haven't seen but I've read the entire script and got a very good idea of how to play my character. Which reminds me! I need to pass that script on to one of my classmates! Have a good night!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. WOW! Congratulations!!
    One question popped up - are You allowed to get a recording, to put here on Your blog.. ?? SO curious!!

  2. Sideways is my favorite movie!!! Well... if I really have to choose one! Great! :) I agree, you should post some videos!


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