Fridays Shoot

This seems to be a common thing for all my posts, like I'm updating what I am doing for about 3-4 days at a time! Of course, there's so much going on that I probably could update everyday! So just to break the monotony, here's a little update from a thing I did last week.

So I told you about the open casting, right? I told you how well it all went and how I thought that it felt really good?

Well apparently, it also gave results! I had a call back on Thursday from a film-making student at NYFA who had seen me do my thing and now wanted me as an actor in her short. The problem was this:

I was in class by the time she called and since we're not allowed to answer the phone, which is totally understandable, I just let it ring and texted her saying that "I'm in class, I don't know if you have the right number, but this is Fredrik, don't hesitate to call me in 10 minutes". I didn't get a reply and she didn't call me back so I just figured she had the wrong number. After 40 minutes she called me back apologizing for having missed my text. She explained what was going on and who she was - and what she had WANTED me to do. Because now, she had already found another actor since I didn't pick up the phone straight away. Which SUCKED!

I hung up the phone, urging her to remember me for future projects that she might have coming, totally and illogically furious with the school's "No Phone"-policy.

Friday came and I had the day off, so I took a slow start to the morning and went ahead and did laundry. It was pouring cats and dogs outside and by just walking across the street, my pants were soaked but my upper body managed since I had a raincoat. It takes about 1 hour for me to wash and dry everything and I had planned to go back and do some homework afterwards. When I was almost done I got a phone call with the film-making student who had talked to me the night before and she was in bits and pieces - the other actor never showed up, which was great news for me! I had one minute left on my dryer and about 20 minutes before I had to be on set, which in the end, turned out to be quite stressful. I had to hang my shirts when I came back and the rest just had to be left in the bags.

We were out in the rain for the first part of the movie, because I was a jogger running in the park, but you could see I was stressed and I had a goal - a place I needed to be. As you may understand, my feet were SOAKING WET after the first few minutes from running in the water and my sweatpants, that I had borrowed from my room mate, had once been the lighter shade of grey. I didn't make a fuss about it though, since I was actually happy just to be on set! You learn more by doing than by sitting in the school bench.
The final few shots were inside the student dormitory and boy, were we glad to be inside! It revealed what I had been running towards the entire time.

The toilet!

Unfortunately we were "caught" by security shooting, because apparently, they can't shoot inside the building, just inside their own room. Something about insurance or what not. So we had to come up with an idea on how to film outside in the corridor without being caught again.

I hope I get to see the final footage, because it looks like a fun movie - and I think I did really well, at least it felt that way. From that set, I got another shoot, with another student who was helping these girls out. They had plans to go for drinks later with some of their classmates and asked if I wanted to join. Needless to say, I did! I just wanted to change first. Drenched sweatpants, soaked socks and shoes filled with oceans was not going to be a good pitch for meeting other people. As I came home I realized I had missed a mail from someone who had wanted me to do a music video the same day.. It's tough being in showbiz!

We went out, met with a bunch of other producers and film-makers and I managed to talk my way, I think, in to two more shoots. Let's just cross fingers to that I actually get them!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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