Springbreak Coming to an end!

What a spring break it has been! A week of doing practically nothing. And it's been glorious!

I've spent half of it home in my apartment and the other half of it at The Collective. They let me take T's room as he has been home for spring break.

We've been out taking long walks in the park in the beautiful weather, we've been partying a little bit, we've been eating some serious food and I've actually thrown some work in there too. A whole week to catch up to things you have needed to do for a long time? Hell yeah! How much have we done? ...a little.

I've been trying to read and write a lot though and I've gone through at least a couple of chapters in my quest to read and a couple of poems in my struggle to write. Ah well, you can't accomplish everything you set out to do - sometimes you have to rest too. The most productive thing I've done this week though is probably the catch up improv class we had on Wednesday, due to the fact that I was shooting last Saturday when we had class and the production workshop me and C did Friday. I am also quite happy about the long shoot I completely wrapped last Sunday. The images look amazing and I can't wait to look at the final product. I'll post a link as soon as the website is up. Hopefully it will be my second film ever going to film festivals, loving it!

And of course, cousin J and her BF, F, came to visit! For 18 hectic hours! It was so much fun seeing her again, I think it's been 4 years since last time, and meeting her BF, a really friendly and genuine guy. We did everything every New York virgin should do - bagels for breakfast, Times Square, Grand Central, Statue of Liberty, burgers for lunch and lots of other stuff!

She brought me a real surprise too - I asked her if she could bring me some Swedish candy and expected a small little bag. Instead, she brought me the biggest Easter egg I'VE EVER SEEN. Around 5-6 kg, or 10-12 lbs... I'm gonna need some help!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Wow! 5 kilos... no, that much have You never got from me for Easter....
    A warning - don't eat so much in the evening. I did so once, and couldn't sleep until daybreak at 5... NOT to recommend! Sugar is really something not so good.


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