Making Stuff Up

I guess I have a very disparate mind. I can get ideas, start writing, get to thinking and just go on in that moment, but later when I come back to something it's incredibly hard to get back into that same mindset that put those words on paper/on screen in the first place.

I'm not a writer, that's for sure, I enjoy when I can take my time and actually do it but I don't consider myself any type of writer. Mainly because I'm not pursuing it and also because I don't make it into the habit I wish it could be. I want to develop and I believe that at least in my poetry I've found something that I could classify as my style or my voice. Everchanging, bu with a typical stamp.

I wish I had the consistency, because that's a huge part of it, the persistence and the know-how to pick up where I left off. To stick with an idea or a thought train and latch on to whatever made it appear in the first place. Maybe, it's just as easy as pushing yourself and practice, practice and practice.

I realized my lack of persistent imagination when I just went back to an old draft of an old story that I started writing around christmas, and I had to read it over and over and over again, but as soon as I began attempting to write I got about four words in and hated every bit of it. The same thing goes for when I'm making music. I can have a great idea, and start out amazing, but then I rarely pull through and finish.

How can you "travel back in time" to a moment where "inspiration" hits? Is inspiration just a trained mindset where you lay the ground for the work that lies ahead? How do you get to the "Now" when the words and ideas make sense again?

Consistency. Persistence. Training. Passion. Vocation. Stamina. Know-how.

I need to get there with so many things in my life, it'd be nice to start somewhere.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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