Being Poor
I write when I feel I have to get something out. Or when I feel I've pondered something for a long time. I rarely lately write for the pure passion of writing and that's kind of sad. I wish I could take more time to actually do it. Well, there is time, there's always time, it's just a matter of priorities and choices really, two of the skills that sometimes I wonder whether or not I will ever acquire. Because how do you? How do you become an expert decision maker? By experience and by making the wrong ones is the easy answer, by making uncomfortable ones is an extension and by never abstaining from making one is the ultimate component. Honestly, I wasn't even going to write about decision making, but as decisions are what have led me to the point I am and what I was really going to write about, it serves as a good starting point. Being poor is expensive. Never have I understood that phrase until I've actually lived it. It's more expensive not to afford...