Loud and Clear (London)


After special requests, it's all in English. It's more brainwashing for me and better training for you guys!

Long time no see at the blog-front really. It's been a busy time and it continues down the same path really. The week before this one, my mom was here for almost an entire week and we practically did everything London has to offer (oh, well not really, but almost). We went to a cabaret (La Clique - massive), a musical (Billy Elliot - breathtakingly beautiful), Jazz-club (Octave - wonderful music and food), Cinema (Monsters vs. Aliens - crazy) and ate at so many different places I can't even remember them all! I have a passion for food - and trust you me I share it with my mother!

After an intensive week of sightseeing followed some days of more touristy stuff and shopping with Anna as she was visiting Tuesday-Friday. A lot of partying going on as well because this seems to be leaving-time for quite a few people! It's a crazy time to be living in London and a good time to be living in London!

12 days left though which, as always feels both good and bad. I'm sad to be leaving all my friends in London but happy as a hippo to go back and see all my friends in Sweden!

Bah. Anyways. Gotta go!

Worldwide peace and love everywhere!


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