At long last.

At long last I've found my way back to my blog. It's interesting and kind of surreal going back and reading all my thoughts that I for some, or other reason, thought it important to express.

I did a huge overhaul and laughed, reflected and often wondered at what I had written. Not wondered like, "OH MY, I WRITE SO WELL", but the other type of wonderment.

So how is life in this very moment? Extremely interesting. As always, no? There are honestly no dull moments in life, it's just a matter of how you choose to fill them. Since last time I wrote, things have really been changing. I mean, 2013 till 2015, who couldn't and wouldn't expect it? Last year I took the decision to move to Madrid and N. To leave school and what I called and had made as a home in Los Angeles. It was a series of decisions and reasons that eventually made it self evident that this would be the next step in my life, so I "metaphorically" jumped.

We've been living together since last July and oh my, time flies. All of a sudden it's already mid-March and with what the weather's hinting at, summer's around the corner. One of the many reasons, outside of love, that it flies is because I've been and continue being so blessed with the amount of work I'm getting, which is something I could've never imagined. In Los Angeles during the OPT I was working my ass off, auditioning like crazy, but mainly doing small gigs, unpaid shorts, unpaid theatre and the odd commercial here and there, but here, I'm auditioning for huge brands, and what's more, I'm booking. A lot. Which feels awesome. It's a credit to both circumstances, but of course I take some pride in knowing that my knowledge of the game is also paying off.

I've recently, like, as of today, taken up meditation again and it feels amazing. Probably also a huge reason why I felt the need to sit down and write. You know, introspection, and the whole "one thing leads to another"? In today's meditation I was invited to reflect on success, where and how I create it myself and how to keep being more and more successful. Reflecting on these thoughts, focusing on a central thought that "I create my success from within" opened up a huge train of thoughts. I seek artistic expression as my goal, but by already working on it, I'm by logical conclusion already successful. By thinking of myself as successful, not only do I change my mood of the day, I also invite the hunger and passion for more into my being, the drive to become a better artist, freer in expression and in thought.

Which is definitely a huge part of why I'm now writing. Words are powerful and therapeutic, and for some it's reading, for some it's writing. I need to exercise my writing and my ability to access my words in order to create the art that I want to create. Every day presents itself with an opportunity for me to practice and as of now, I'm not going to slack anymore.

If anyone's reading, chances are you'll be reading a lot more in the days and weeks to come.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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