About the 15 things you can do when you feel like shit.

I think this thing of the lists, which BuzzFeed in America, Newsner/Aftonbladet in Sweden and a bunch of other sites have grown crazy big on is something that we've grown so accustomed to in today's world of internet that we barely react anymore. It's anything from the "10 things puppies would be if they were foods" to celebrity bullshit to beautiful, unknown places for you to travel to when you trek the world.

But I came across one today, one that I actually don't mind sharing due to the realness of what it said; "15 things you can do when you feel like shit."

The pursuit and the constant need to feel happy, the stress to not let anything get to you in today's society is killing us slowly. If we're not allowed to feel bad, then how can we contrast that to when we feel good? How can we have one without the other?

With a completely blissfully happy world, we're incredible close to getting into the happy dystopia-land of Aldous Huxley's "A Brave New World", where unhappiness is a thing of the past.

So therefore, what really stood out to me in this list is the amount of simple tricks that one can do in order to feel better, but also the fact that the last item on the list is the simplest advice of all; "Give yourself permission to feel shitty." It's okay, things happen, shit happens and we have to deal with it, we all do. So give yourself time and permission to do it. It's not the end of the world.

To watch the list in it's full I'm attaching the link;


Don't be a stranger! Loves


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