Past -> Present -> Future

You are not restricted, limited or bound by your past. You are, today, completely free of your past. That's what Saturday's (although I recovered it today) central thought for my meditation was.

Now what does that mean? What does "being free of your past" actually mean?

As I was meditating, I of course kept reciting the mantra to keep my mind focused, but I've also learned that you accept the thoughts that pop into your head, because if you actively ignore them they will only grow stronger. So I felt sadness and I almost started crying when thoughts of my past came into my mind. Why is that? I don't really know. 

I've always believed that your past is what defines where you are right now which in term means that you are a product of it, not that it holds you captive. Your present day and moment are all products of what choices you've made in the past. Everything, no matter how small or big has lead you to this moment and all your choices and everything you do today will have consequences for your future. I'm not going crazy about the whole butterfly effect, because I do believe in isolated incidents, but the truth of the matter is that you affect your future every single moment that you're alive and able to make choices. How powerful is that thought?

No wonder that, according to all of the world's wisdom traditions, the now is so important. You can't affect the past but you can be conscious enough about the present to make an impact and a change for the future.

So what's this about crying about what has been? Do I have any regrets? Not that I can recall or actively imagine, so maybe it's just nostalgia about days that have been. Maybe. I need a deeper reflection on my own reaction.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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