2 months 28

What a week. What a week. In the world in general honestly. Working every single day, Donald Trump elected president, Leonard Cohen dies and I've passed my 2 month anniversary as a 28 year old. Obviously in an ascending order of importance.

All jokes aside, I can't believe how quickly both September and October flew by and how we're already really gearing up for what it is our busiest period. We're working back to back and nonstop with a number of different, both old and new plays, and I have my work at the academy, my private classes and my odd casting job here and there. Obviously time passed quickly in October because it was the preparation of all that is and was to come during this time, but still..

I'm flabbergasted, taken aback, aghast with how rapidly time passes. Every day is thrust upon you in an ever increasing velocity, whether you're ready or not. Sometimes you don't even see it coming, but all of a sudden it's saturday, next week, time to pay rent or christmas for that matter.

So what can I say about the two months I've been lucky enough to live as a 28 year old? What kind of wisdom can I impart on those who still have not reached my venerable age? What does life hold for people who are at their late 20's?

Nothing. I'm still figuring me out, little by little, piece by piece. I'm still struggling to find my own place in my own life. To take time. To create. To make things I want to make. I'm not an adult yet, I'm a little kid carrying an adult mask trying to work in a society that's made for, what I feel, way more responsible people than me.

You still feel lost at 28. Does the questioning an identity search ever end?

Maybe these are just small steps, like AA with it's 12-step programme, like denial (or admittance?) being the first one towards healing.

I'm just as confused as I was when I was 12, I'm just now carrying a bagage with more experience. Maybe that's what life is really all about? I'll tell you when I find out.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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