
I've, since a couple of weeks ago, dabbled with the idea of giving form to my poetic scribblings. Meaning, trying to publish at least a couple of the more than 500+ things that I've written that I keep in my various black books. I've started on my fourth since I actually decided to copy them all down into "one definite" collection. Before, they were all spread out. Some on paper that people toss, some over the internet, some in forums or on social media or here or.. yeah you get it.

6 years have now passed since I started rewriting and collecting them. 6 years, but probably at least the double of actually writing them. I've always mainly written for myself, and I rarely share things or give things away. For me it's like an introspection into certain moments, observations or mindsets that I, in a specific situation, formulate into what I write. But now, feeling that I've surpassed more than probably +4000 hours of writing, maybe I want to share it, using a megaphone.

The problem is how extremely personal it is to me. I remember the first time I actually "performed" a poem in class, and I was more nervous than I had ever been. I stuttered and muttered and fought through it all with gritted teeth and a gnawing voice arguing against my self esteem. So how the hell could a coward like me try to send material to a publisher..?

Any thoughts, comments or encouraging words are highly appreciated. My head is a saucepan of undefined ingredients.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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