Little things, big things.

Phew, I haven't been writing here for a long time, and I realized I have a lot of things and a lot of posts that I still have to finish. Stories, poems, thoughts and musings. But none of that right now. This is just one of those "What have you been up to lately?" posts, because my life is so interesting.

Or simply because I feel like writing it down, because quite literally, you know, memories and stuff. Life.

I've been extremely busy lately. Working around 60-70 hours per week in between my new and old job and stuff and projects on the side as well. It's been real hectic and I'm honestly quite tired of the high rhythm, but at this point in time and life there's nothing really that I can do. It's a very sensitive moment and I should actually put even higher gears in, but the day only has so many hours and minutes, am I right?

The other day I had two long wonderful chats together with two separate friends, all equally loving, caring, intelligent, funny and inspiring and I realized how lucky I am to be able to still have friends all over the world. I live in one country, but the interconnectivity just makes it possible to talk deeply with someone as if we just picked up right where we left off. That's friendship. That's love. That's for life.

I have also started writing more frequently and I've given myself a challenge to write a poem everyday for the remainder of March. Productivity and creativity needs to be nurtured. I actually recently submitted again, now with poems more suitable for the format that the magazine requires. Let's see what they say in a couple of weeks/months.

2018 is shaping up, shaping up!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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