
Visar inlägg från december, 2006

29/12 - My Try

My try on reality is definitely a feeble one, I'm letting this slip out of my hands while I congratulate myself in living in my native country. This doesn't make any sense - during christmas holidays, stained by the message of joy and love - why am I letting it fall? Once more.. FUCK! How am I supposed to interpret all these emotions and still come out laughing and kicking? How am I supposed to know what to feel and what not to feel? It wasn't supposed to be easy - surely - but 'twasn't supposed to kill me either? I just loved christmas nevertheless - spending it with family and friends, eating 'til late in the evening and just kicking back with gramps! Awesome - yet no real christmas-spirit this year.. Bah!

20/12 - at the airport - D-Day

GAAAH!!!!! I`m as excite as a sausage on speed..! Where am I going? What am I doing? How will it be after more than 4 months..? I guess the person who has changed the most is me, I mean, come on, I`ve managed myself and lived as "an adult" for about 4 months! Solitude breeds maturity - most likely. You have no idea how much I`m looking forward to tonight1! see you at the show!

16/12 - Silence - 4 Days

I forgot! I would also like a beginners-partition in Guitar! I'll probably not get the photos up from the last two weeks until I'm returned home.. Don't know what this computer has got against me. Edit: Apparently I'm able to post images up at So go check out the most artistic crap there!

13/12 - Seven days - Vanity and Pride

Jesper: Nyâr verkar gâ vilt till i âr - inte mig emot ;) Tänker dock inte slarva bort min jävla mobil i âr! Hoppas allt är chill! Ses snart! Jeanna: Aha :) Hej du! Härligt att âtervända hem eller hur? Jag längtar verkligen nu med bara 7 dagar kvar! Nae jag hittar ingen förklaring över huvud taget, vad tror du att det kan vara? 0.30 nudlar, kyckling frân Brasilien, lâgbudget fralla och inte en enda ekologisk produkt i sikte. Den stackars medelâlders damen - som inte ser ut att vara särskilt fattig har naturligtvis ingen som helst aning vilka signaler hon sänder. Vad folk som jag, som inte har nâgot bättre för sig tänker och och känner. 4 liter Pastis och ändâ gör hon svaga försök att spara in lite pâ kexen. Festen är ju uppenbar, frâgan är bara hur mânga som kommer, hur det ska sluta och om det verkligen är värt den extra risken att fâ salmonella av kycklingen. Betala? Ja, check, 246.90, signatur, papper eller plast, trevlig eftermiddag och näste man till rakning. Puh, du i kassa...

7/12 - Thirteen days, thirteen ghosts.

Answer: Victor: Inga problem. Har det hänt saker sâ förstâr jag att du inte har tid att sitta och läsa hemsidor med text varje dag :) Ja, du fâr se till att förbereda dig mentalt för jag vill ha MYCKET info..! Yeah it's probably a crappy movie, but the title really went well with the rest. I have no idea of nothing to be frankly, what I want, what's coming for me and what it's all about. It's time to start using that thing they call brain to sort some things out I believe. I'll never manage this - never. It wasn't supposed be easy, surely, but it wasn't going to kill me either. This stress, this pressure and this frigging indecision - the constant tiredness and the constant feeling that something's not quite right. This is MY year, it was ME who decided to go here - yes, I expected cultural-encounters, solvable and solvable by arguing for my sake. Yes, I accepted to go here on your terms, but you have to understand that this I thought the commitment...

4/12 - 16 Days - Inactive

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 16 DAYS!! It's nothing! How could time have passed this fast?! It's enormous.. Well I'll do what all others do, answer your commentary within my blog, not with another commentary which you don't read anyway. Anonymous: Ja du, jag vet inte riktigt, jag är inne pâ mitt 13 âr av Engelskastudier sâ jag ser mig som tvâ-, snart tresprâkig! Haha, ja kanske det, men konserten här under var bara en av mânga som alla hâller pâ fram till den 22:a December, i hela Clermont! Enormt mycket musik för dom som fâr gâ ut - d.v.s. dom som inte är interner m.a.o. ;) Jag âker hem den 20:e till mitt älskade Östersund 'lângt upp i norr'. När var det du âkte? Julie: Freddan? Det var nog det äckligaste faktiskt. Tack, jag har lyckats hitta en metod dâ jag kan starta om den och sen trycka lagom hârt med tummen och pekfingret - ett finger pâ skärmen och det andra pâ baksidan sâ börjar den funka.. Glappkontakt är roligt. tjoffex: Mwepp, ingen alls. Vi hade nâgra snygga aff...

1/12 - Nineteen Days

WORLD AIDS/HIV DAY. So what kind of info have we gotten about this in school? None. I'm ashamed. 40 million people living with one of our time's most horrible virus, the number increasing every day. And what are we doing about it? We're not even talking about it. It's not easy, but one has to speak of it - it's the 'plague of our time'. Hope everybody's alright! Loads of love from the Library! Bisous Fred