1/12 - Nineteen Days
So what kind of info have we gotten about this in school?
I'm ashamed.
40 million people living with one of our time's most horrible virus, the number increasing every day. And what are we doing about it?
We're not even talking about it.
It's not easy, but one has to speak of it - it's the 'plague of our time'.
Hope everybody's alright!
Loads of love from the Library!
So what kind of info have we gotten about this in school?
I'm ashamed.
40 million people living with one of our time's most horrible virus, the number increasing every day. And what are we doing about it?
We're not even talking about it.
It's not easy, but one has to speak of it - it's the 'plague of our time'.
Hope everybody's alright!
Loads of love from the Library!
Oj, ingen alls?
SvaraRaderaVi har haft värsta utställningen i CDIet hela veckan, och jag tror dom sålde röda bandet också
Du va mig en possitiv jävel... ;)
SvaraRaderaVi hade en föreläsare hos oss i tisdags, jävligt intressant.. Han visa en film som hette "När aids kom till Sverige", helt sjuk! Poliserna va så rädda att de sanerade bänkarna de hiv-smittade suttit på och gick omkring med alkoholbaserade salvor som de skulle sterilisera händerna med om de kom i kontakt med någon hiv-smittad:P
Tur världen insett hur det egentligen ligger tull:P 18 dagar kvar!