7/12 - Thirteen days, thirteen ghosts.
Victor: Inga problem. Har det hänt saker sâ förstâr jag att du inte har tid att sitta och läsa hemsidor med text varje dag :) Ja, du fâr se till att förbereda dig mentalt för jag vill ha MYCKET info..!
Yeah it's probably a crappy movie, but the title really went well with the rest.
I have no idea of nothing to be frankly, what I want, what's coming for me and what it's all about. It's time to start using that thing they call brain to sort some things out I believe. I'll never manage this - never. It wasn't supposed be easy, surely, but it wasn't going to kill me either.
This stress, this pressure and this frigging indecision - the constant tiredness and the constant feeling that something's not quite right.
This is MY year, it was ME who decided to go here - yes, I expected cultural-encounters, solvable and solvable by arguing for my sake. Yes, I accepted to go here on your terms, but you have to understand that this I thought the commitment was mutual.
OF COURSE I was going to ask to stay out late, OF COURSE I would ask to go away sometimes, and OF COURSE I could not work all the time.
I have no idea how the others were, most probably they weren't the same - seeing how you react to things I say. But for the love of all gods, accept me for how I am. Yes yes, I have the right to go out at nights, I have the right to go away this weekend, but everytime you say yes I get the feeling you're disappointed at me - and it makes me sick. Guilttripping me everytime, and I swear you know it too.
But hell, I'm happy anyway.. I got 2 families (well, even more really), I got friends both waiting and waving, I got a lot of things to be happy about with christmas closing in and all.
Still, I can't seem to fight this rising feeling of helplessness and gods know what. Well, I'll sort that out all later. Right now, I have more important matters at hand - philosophy and the litterature from hell - which I probably don't have to do but I'll give it a try anyway..
Love from the Library!
Booklist so far:
A game of Thrones - George RR. Martin
Tärningsspelaren - Luke Rhinehart
Jag skulle vilja att nâgon väntade pâ mig nâgonstans - Anna Gavalda
Tome 1-3 (spanning 15 volumes) of Battle Royale - Koshun Takami
In progress:
The Da-Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Caves of Périgord - Martin Walker
Contes - Charles Perrault
10 av 18 avklarade
Victor: Inga problem. Har det hänt saker sâ förstâr jag att du inte har tid att sitta och läsa hemsidor med text varje dag :) Ja, du fâr se till att förbereda dig mentalt för jag vill ha MYCKET info..!
Yeah it's probably a crappy movie, but the title really went well with the rest.
I have no idea of nothing to be frankly, what I want, what's coming for me and what it's all about. It's time to start using that thing they call brain to sort some things out I believe. I'll never manage this - never. It wasn't supposed be easy, surely, but it wasn't going to kill me either.
This stress, this pressure and this frigging indecision - the constant tiredness and the constant feeling that something's not quite right.
This is MY year, it was ME who decided to go here - yes, I expected cultural-encounters, solvable and solvable by arguing for my sake. Yes, I accepted to go here on your terms, but you have to understand that this I thought the commitment was mutual.
OF COURSE I was going to ask to stay out late, OF COURSE I would ask to go away sometimes, and OF COURSE I could not work all the time.
I have no idea how the others were, most probably they weren't the same - seeing how you react to things I say. But for the love of all gods, accept me for how I am. Yes yes, I have the right to go out at nights, I have the right to go away this weekend, but everytime you say yes I get the feeling you're disappointed at me - and it makes me sick. Guilttripping me everytime, and I swear you know it too.
But hell, I'm happy anyway.. I got 2 families (well, even more really), I got friends both waiting and waving, I got a lot of things to be happy about with christmas closing in and all.
Still, I can't seem to fight this rising feeling of helplessness and gods know what. Well, I'll sort that out all later. Right now, I have more important matters at hand - philosophy and the litterature from hell - which I probably don't have to do but I'll give it a try anyway..
Just leave me alone,
let me lie in.
Signing with a sigh and hopes of a lighter tomorrow!let me lie in.
Love from the Library!
Booklist so far:
A game of Thrones - George RR. Martin
Tärningsspelaren - Luke Rhinehart
Jag skulle vilja att nâgon väntade pâ mig nâgonstans - Anna Gavalda
Tome 1-3 (spanning 15 volumes) of Battle Royale - Koshun Takami
In progress:
The Da-Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Caves of Périgord - Martin Walker
Contes - Charles Perrault
10 av 18 avklarade
Tjenare.. Fan, nu har vi börjat planera och boka shit inför nyår :D det kommer att bli riktigt fint :) Hoppas allt är väl med dig! Puss o Kram, Love, Jesper
SvaraRaderaJeanna har (jag glomde skriva mitt namn forra gangen jag kommenterade ;))Du är tresprâkig, ett faktum, man behover int prata perfekt for att vara det. Jag aker hem den 22 med till mitt alskade Sundsvall :D
SvaraRaderaDen konstiga kanslan ar normal, men om den vaxer oroande mycket sa ar det riktigt jobbigt - hittar du ingen forklaring for den?
Svensk Kram Jeanna