25/2 - The Free, The Freak & The Rebellion

@Anonymous - Delphine:
Haha no worries, just you say it if you ever come across another photo you don't want all the world to see..!
Bien sur que oui! C'est comme ça je te vois tout le temps, non? Chaise + Crâne = Adrien! J'éxige d'exquises excuses!
Boten Anna..... Si tu savais.... Gah...!
Det blir lätt sâ när man inte kommer ât internet under antalet veckor. Hemsidan UFPhoto eller nâgon annan? Startar du en blogg eller liknande säg till - och posta länken som kommentar hit!

Emotional breakdown - yay! Don't know what this emptiness is really, but it made me good to talk for a while - sharing the view with someone who knows what it feels like. Thanks Julia :) You know the line is always open!

I'm sorry that things didn't turn out the way they should Victor, but I hope we've still got time to sort things out and make up some other plans!

I've been passing two enormous weeks of holidays and right now I can't believe I'm actually going back to school tomorrow..! If truth must be told I'm actually quite relieved of going back. One whole week with my hostfamily became a little intense. Actually I had to take some days for myself to be able to breath a little. But boarding house - here I come! I've missed you guys!

Photos and an almost full description of everything WILL be posted this week. No more excuses!

The other Photos:
1-5: LITTLE CHRISTMAS! This was just after entering school again after Christmas holidays. Loads of fun and a loads of strange gifts.. Isn't that so Delphine?
6: Marei! Our funloving Germanfriend who's right now gone back. She was in the theatregroup with us.
7-8: Ordinary evening at the boarding house. Adrien with a chair on his head and Mickaël posing on his bed.
9: Lycée Jeanne D'Arc - my school of course.
10-18: Wandering in the forest together with Marion and Delphine. A nice 4 or 5 hours walk around some smaller mountain.
19-20: Grand Chelem pour 2! In my ears - 2 Grand Chelems of course! We sure had a good time!
21: WWII monument for those inhabitants who died in battle.
22: This nice construction was almost entirely constructed by Georges. Actually - everything besides the doors is his work. A large cupboard for all of our clothes and shoes! It's a real nice handiwork.
23-26: Feeling wintery in Jardin de Coq we made a snowman I took some wintery shots.
27: Adrien and Michelin. What makes Clermont famous;)
28: Benjamin - always posing
29-40: Skiing trip with friends and family to SuperBesse. A rather small but nice station which offered quite okay with good snow and fun slopes. During the day much of the snow started to melt unfortunately so we ended up quite soaked - but happy as the two last photos clearly show.

That was all for this time! More stuff up tomorrow and sometime during the following week!

Loads of love from the Sofa!





  1. No probs, vi galna fransksvenskar mâste hâlla ihop till slutet!;)
    Linjen är alltid öppen ât det här hâllet med

  2. Bien sûr que c'est moi qui rend Clermont célèbre, voyons -


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