Stress, but Not Really.

Wow, never did I think that these last few weeks would be so absolutely smashed with stuff. I just shot my final film scene, have my Meisner-presentation tomorrow, Improv-presentation next week, I got two BIG scenes to learn for my scene study performance in three weeks - I'm also currently involved in two film thesis-projects and a full-length play of which I'm also "music director". Plus, I've written, together with a friend, a film that we want to shoot in May.

I've had a hellish week where I've not been feeling good at all, with multiple panic anxiety attacks due to stress but now I've managed to calm down quite a bit. I needed to organize everything and now I believe I'm on top of the MAJOR workload that lies ahead of me. Welcome to the industry I guess, huh?

In fun news, my cousin's in town this weekend - all the way up till Tuesday, my room mate leaves for two weeks on Monday, my Mom's flying in 9 days (!!) and A is soon coming here too! I just hope I've budgeted my time well enough to see them all!

I can't believe this year is almost near its end, time has flown by so quickly and I've grown so much since I came here. I've made some friends that will last me a lifetime, I've gotten a network that's invaluable and experiences that are priceless (no matter how much I paid for the school, I've made up my mind - and it's been worth every penny).

Now to tackle the day!

Don't be a stranger! Loves


  1. Ha! Jamen det har vi väl alltid vetat, att jag har några kromosomer mindre ;)

    Kommer du hem något till sommaren? Vi må ses då i så fall!


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