The Real Problem

So there she was, posing, smiling, pouting her lips and acting all cool. Pulling up the victory sign and pouting her goddamn duck lips, laughing as there was nothing wrong with the world whatsoever. Her friend is laughing too, taking a lot of photos, making sure that every pose and every twitch of that smile is well documented. No selfie can be complete if not for another 40 takes. You have to get the right one in order to be perfect.

And I'm on the other side, watching this whole spectacle, feeling my stomach churn and turn, with huge amounts to just go berserk at everything that is going wrong with this world. I'm on the other side, not wanting to observe, but I do. I cannot divert my eyes from this continued perversion of human ideals, and as another flash pops, finally my train comes to the rescue.

The girl, the lost little teenager who's trying to get just another like for her Instagram/Facebook/Twitter page is oblivious to the fact that the poster shes' posting in front of is a call for help for the latest immigrant crisis in Europe. Right behind her is a picture of a little boy wandering with a life jacket strapped tight to his chest among piles of thousands of other life jackets who lie tossed on the beach. And he's wondering, how did I end up here? Where's my mom and what happened to my home?

And all this girl is caring about is the extremely funny picture she's taking with the words "#SinFiltros" written above her head. A campaign to show the crude and cruel reality for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. A campaign that's aimed at showing us, justly, without any filters the harsh truth of oppression, war, terror and the refugee's situation.

But hey, another like, regram or retweet on yet another duck-face-victory-symbol-covered-smiling selfie, is definitely worth it, right?

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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