Estudio Nerea Lovecchio

By and large, we're pretty much living the dream as actors when we are able to support ourselves by doing what we actually love to do. When we don't have to run with the tail in between our legs to the closest Starbucks in order to scrape together the last little pennies for rent every month.

When we actually do what we love and get paid for it, that right there is the epitome of success. Which of course leads me to talk about something that I'm so darned proud of and proud to be able to support. I'm talking about Nerea's latest project which is her studio, aptly named "Estudio Nerea Lovecchio".

I know it's been a dream for her for quite some time now, but now finally the stars have aligned and made the opening of her own space possible. It's something truly emotional to watch your partner actually make a dream come true. It's a profound shared joy that I feel and an enormous sense of pride for her bravery and entrepreneurial spirit, because let's face it, no business is easy to open, least of all a space for the liberal arts.

So what's the studio, where is it, what goes on there and why should anyone get involved? (Well, honestly, if you can't respond on "why" you should get involved in the arts, then reconsider some of your life choices, jussayin')
First of all, the studio's located in the beautiful Northern Central part of Madrid. Just around the metro station Cuatro Caminos and the very lively area of Bravo Murillo/Reina Victoria. It's a truly up and coming area and a lot of really hip places are opening up here (yay for timing) so it's a dynamic, yet still unexplored and unexploited part of town. It's conveniently located on a little side street from Reina Victoria which makes it a transitory, yet quiet street. A lot of kids and a lot of families live in the area as well which makes for a great measure of it's safety.

Above you can check out the schedule for all the programmed activities in the studio, but as you can tell, there's a wide diversity of classes and workshops offered. We actually kick off right now in October and we already have a bunch of groups ready for various courses.

So now to the million dollar question, why should you get involved? Honestly, why shouldn't you? To get involved in the arts is actually to become more human. It's a way of getting to know the most intimate sides of yourself through the absolute pinnacle of freedom of expression. I'm not taking this lightly, and neither should you. Neither am I saying that they should substitute therapy, but that they can work in therapeutic ways. The arts are serious and should be taken as such. It's discipline but also great fun.

It's the utmost human thing you can do. Now join one of our classes.

Don't be a stranger! Loves


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