23/1 - I am pain, I am real

@Julia: Haha, jag bjuder pâ den sörrö! Grattis grattis!

How much of a fool am I not?
How much mess and havoc have I not caused already?
Isn't it time for some things to pass in descretion?

Why must it always be like this?

I've now been resting for a little more than 2 weeks in France and I'm already fed up. I have a life here - it's true, I have friends here - it's also true. But I'm fed up, really, sorry. My mind feels as constipated as a child eating nothing but flour - and I've already been in to deep mess.

A small and shallow recap of my two weeks in France.

Saturday 6th of January:

Leaving Uppsala at daytime to get on the flight to France. Everything passes smoothly at Arlanda and I don't even have to pay extra for my Snowboard. It would otherwise cost 20€ which I'd gladly pay, but nonetheless if it's free I'm not complaining! At Charles de Gaulle though, I can't pass security control with my newly bought bottle of Pepsi even though I've kept the receipt. I have to drink it - right there - right then. Well, I end up leaving more than half the bottle to the security desk. They also pick my aftershave since it apparently exceeds the limit. Since I'm not a terrorist I gladly (read: bitterly/angrily) let them take it. "Well of course, if it exceeds the limit I'm sure I'll find another in a store!". Arriving kind of late at Aulnat (Clermont-Ferrand's airport) I'm greeted by both Florence and Georges! We talk away the evening.

Sunday 7th of January:

I'm beginning to catch a sour throat but since I reckon it's nothing but the regular "air-sickness" (climatization in sealed environments - bacterias go *Yay!*) I'm waiting for it to pass. We eat well, talk about christmas, new year's eve and of course - I hand out all my presents. You wouldn't believe their faces as I hand over a "new" suit to Quentin. We all pass a nice evening.

Monday 8th of January:

First day of school and I'm actually quite excited - even though I'm feeling quite bad about the presents I'm going to offer, and even though I haven't had the energy to even start the philosophy essay. Well no hard feelings, it was all volontarily! I met with Delphine, Marion, Sandrie, Solène and of course my class. My throat begins revolting though so I decided to go check it out with the school-nurses. They gave me some Paracetamol, some pastilles and sprayed something quite bizarre in my throat. Well back at the dormitory we start feasting on the enormous bag of candy I was bringing with me and I give Mickaël his present. As night lurks closer I realize that this throat-problem of mine isn't only a cold because I can't sleep. I toss and I turn, stretch, sweat and shiver. I send a message to Florence saying I'm coming home before I finally fall asleep at 02'o'clock.

Tuesday 9th of January:

As I pass by the school restaurant for my regular breakfast consisting of something-as-a-substitue-for-tea (infusion on french), a yoghurt, a piece of bread and the obligatory Nutella I say o our supervisors not to prepare any dinner for me since I'm going home. My throat is now more or less killing me slowly since I can't even indulge my food. The only thing the supervisor says is that I should pass by the Vie-scolaire to drop them a word of my planned absence. Of course I go to the Vie-scolaire but they send me off to the school-ward (Infirmèrie) to get a medical certificate. As I'm more or less a slave under French bureaucracy I get there as soon as possible just to be able to get home. But can I go home, with my already packed bag or do I have to wait for my correspondant-Mother to come find me? You picked n° 1? You seriously picked n°1? *EEEEH* Wrong my fellow reader! Why should one 18-year-old already adult student from Sweden be allowed to manage his own life when one could disturb his parents during work just so that they can come and get me? GAAAH! The bureaucracy, the rules, the administration! Well, one thing's positive though, they really take good care of their students - got to give them that. We return back home at 14:00 when Florence managed to escape work just to come find me. I've been lying there for more than 5 hours when I could've taken the bus! Anyway, we go to the doctor later in the evening which prescribes anti-biotics and anti-inflammatorial too. So it wasn't a cold and it wasn't the flu.

Wednesday 10th of January:

Stayed home together with Quentin who was also being sick - even more than me. Staying at the computer, chatting, writing, reading the day away.

Thursday 11th of January:

Since I had a medical note I naturally skipped sports. Too bad really, because I could've used the practice. Stayed with Sandrie, Marion and Delphine at some center - correspondingly "SYO-centrum" on Swedish. They were apparently searching for their further studies. It was quite boring really - I couldn't understand anything of all the abbrevations nor the formations and the after-Bac options presented. Just before Litterature we had another little Christmas. But litterature was as always - "not my kind of cup of tea" (read it with a reaaally Swedish accent!).

Friday 12th of January:

Nothing special, kicking back during lessons and finally another Theatre-lesson..! This time we were helped by some pro who most of the group really thought was over-pretentious and a real pain in the ass. I actually agreed with him more than our group - because, yes, he seemed quite harsh at first but he really had a point with everything he said! By the force of habit I stayed together with Marei - the german girl in our theatre group - and Delphine after class and we went walking in the sun - enjoying the weather. Another litterature-class from hell and school was out.

Saturday 13th of January:

After Philosophy we went to catch a coffee/"a small glass" (I love the expression on French) as we normally do. This time without Delphine though who was absent from Philosophy too. I politely refuse any inventations to go out in the evening because I really have to sleep and get some rest - it's not really that easy living with an insomniac. As I finished my meal in school I took the bus home and met my family again - and actually I had my second Lunch.. Ooops the gluttony! Since I was expecting a letter I had to ask since no-one said anything about a letter. "Yes, it's on your desk, came this morning!" Finally, finally and FINALLY I recieve (THANKS MOM!) my two most important cards - the Visa and the student identity card..! I hate losing wallets. I say I need to get into town so we correspond everything with Quentin going to one of his friends. As I'm getting ready to go I recieve an SMS from Delphine who wants to go hiking in the mountains. Florence drops me off near Delphine, I go to the nearest ATM to get cash only to later head off to her place - oh the joy of being able to live! We go hiking in a beautiful scenery for I-don't-know-how-many-hours but as we return it's already dark. I pass the rest of the evening at my place - just taking it easy.

Wow, congratulations and thank you if you actually read this far...! You're the one with courage! I send my applause and my humblest of thanks to you!

AND RIGHT NOW IT'S FRIGGING SNOWING! But more of that later!

Bisous from the library!

Loads of love!

Fredrik (Fred/Frédéric/Fréderick/Fredreich/Fredereich one can be called many a things really!)


  1. Sannerligen, jag lyckades med att lasa allting, kind of thrilling :P Jag hoppas du mar battre nu,lat som en ordentligt storande sjukdom. kanner mig sa val igen i det dar -forbannade- systemet.

    Tjo! Njut av snon, om den inte har smalt bort nu.


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