7/1 - 07 - Has he given us a Sign?

Wow: Back in France already - and it doesn't even feel funny, weird nor bizarre! Or waaaait a minute... Doesn't it..?

Of course it does, but not in the same way as it did when I first arrived here, nearly 5 months ago. Everything was new back then - the language, the culture, the family and the food. Yup, everything really - but since I'm kind of like a social chameleon without any real social "group" to belong to, naturally, I got around.

This time around is different, it's different because this time I've had the opportunity to meet and speak to almost all of my friends so intensively and so quickly I thought it'd never end. But all things must come to an end so evidentially, even these short Christmas-holidays. Sometimes I wonder; did I do the right thing to come home, stir up all the emotions and so intensively meet everybody? Did it do more pain than good - knowing all the time that I would have to leave them "once more"? Bah oui, I've hesitated in coming home - ridiculuos but true. I've hesitated because I knew it would be harder this time to say goodbye. Now though, this period will pass even faster than autumn since I'll have continuos visits - Sara, Mother, the guys and once again Mother. So I know, the two semesters are longer but time will litterarly fly!

I feel loved and appreciated at both ends and quite frankly, it helps a lot.

I want to thank all my swedish friends for greeting me at the airport in Östersund and for all the greetings which you who couldn't make it passed. It made my day and I've never felt more welcome in my entire life..! You can never guess how much each and everyone of you means to me!

I wish to thank my loving and caring mother for putting up with her son's curious behaviour to scud of to France like that - and for raising and encouraging me to do so. I would've been no place without her. Because this is definitely worth the trip - ten times over.

I wish to thank my french friends for their love, for their support, for putting up with the blonde swede and for welcoming me the way they have. And for all the lovely christmas-gifts! You guys and girls are all gold.

Haha, sounds like I'm at the Grammy awards or something! :

"I want to thank my family, Jesus christ and jehova god almighty for my number one hit-single - it's called "Suck ya' momma" THANK YOU!" - Aaah Pablo, Pablo - what a genius! (He's a standup comedian for crying out loud, what the hell did you think..?!)

I'm as nervous as I'm excited for these two "trimestres" which follows - but as I've said a hundred times over - I'm not here to get the good grades, I'm here to be the worst for as long as it takes. I'm here to learn french and nothing else!

Phototime, hopefully..!

Lack of snow, but still a snowman;). Christmas decorations.

Made by Mother. Made by me.

Which one's French and which one's Swedish..?

Little Christmas with the family at arrival:
Florence, Georges, Quentin and Vincent.

Who's going to be France's next top model with his new suit..?

GAWSH! My cabin-bag was sick.. Full of sugar and papers.. Geeeesh.
NO, I'm not going to eat everything by myself..!

All for this time peeps! See you someday soon I hope!

Loads of love from the "mansion".




  1. jag måste sägat den franska granen såg helt förjävlig ut ;)


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